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#114 : Fantômes du Passé

Résumé : Il y a 3 ans, Jude Royce est mort abattu dans un club de Métropolis. Pourtant, un sosie de Jude accuse aujourd'hui Lex de l'avoir tué... En réalité, c'est Amanda, la fiancée de Jude, qui avait tiré sur lui avant de se suicider. Le frère d'Amanda, qui tient Lex pour responsable, a ainsi engagé un sosie pour se venger. Il kidnappe Lex et le torture, mais Clark découvre bientôt la vérité et vole au secours de son ami.


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Fantômes du Passé

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Photo de l'épisode #1.14

Photo de l'épisode #1.14

Photo de l'épisode #1.14

Photo de l'épisode #1.14

Photo de l'épisode #1.14

Plus de détails

Guest-stars :

Corin Nemec dans le rôle de Jude Royce
Cameron Dye dans le rôle de Sam Phelan
→ Mitch Kostermann dans le rôle de Ethan Millar
 Eric Breker dans le rôle de Roy Rothman
→ Michasha Armstrong dans le rôle de Max Kasich
→ Judy Tylor dans le rôle de Amanda Rothman
Mark Gibbon dans le rôle du Député


 Indiscrétions : 

Sam Phelan, le méchant de l'épisode 1.09 - Sur le fil du rasoir, revient en flashback lors d'une scène au Club Zero.

Corin Nemec est célèbre pour son personnage de Parker Lewis dans la série culte et déjantée "Parker Lewis ne perd jamais". Il joue actuellement le rôle de Jonas Quinn dans la série "Stargate SG-1".

Corin Nemec (Jude Royce) et Allison Mack ont tourné ensemble dans le téléfilm "I Know My First Name is Steven".

Lex est vêtue d'une camisole de force, la tête en bas dans une grande pièce sombre. Il appelle à l'aide. Un homme se plaçant au milieu d'une forte lumière s'approche de lui et exige la vérité.

Flashback d'il y a trois ans. Lex entre dans un club, le Club Zero avec Max Kasich et Amanda Rothman. Max est le garde du corps de Lex et Amanda, une amie. Amanda est la fiancée de Jude Royce, qui est hors de la ville pour quelques jours. Malheureusement, Amanda aperçoit Jude dans le salon avec deux belles femmes autour de ses bras. Blessée et indignée, elle enlève sa bague de fiançailles et la jette sur lui et s'enfuit. Jude devine correctement que Lex l'a amenée là exprès. Lex avoue qu'Amanda mérite mieux. Il tente de la rattrapée sur la piste de danse, qui pleure. Jude rattrape à son tour Lex et ils échangent des coups. Le bruit et l'éclairage ajoutent à la confusion. Jude sort un couteau et poignarde Lex à l'épaule. Max sort un pistolet et tire sur Jude qui meurt sous le coup.

Dans le présent, Lex est toujours suspendu au plafond dans une camisole de force. L'homme le traite de menteur en lui disant que ce n'est pas comme ça que l'histoire s'est déroulée. Il sait déjà que la version de l'histoire dans les journaux et les rapports de police, mais il ne le croit pas. Il menace de se venger, affirmant que Lex et non Max, la tuer. Lex lui demande qui il est mais l'homme avec un sourire, lève son arme et tire.




Une semaine plus tôt

Au lycée, monsieur Austin a demandé à ses étudiants d'écrire une biographie de six pages sur l'un de leurs camarades, ce qui met Pete dans une mauvaise humeur. Apparemment, les sujets ont été répartis de façon aléatoire. Celui-ci a été affecté par Stan Gibson, le directeur du magasin des étudiants. Chloé est ravie d'annoncer qu'elle enquête sur Clark, alors Pete pour se moquer, lui souhaite bonne chance en lui disant qu'elle aura du mal à lui faire dire quoique ce soit sur Clark. Chloé demande à Clark quelle personne il a choisi pour son travail mais Pete le devance en répondant à sa place que c'est Lana.

Plus tard, au Talon, Lana discute avec l'entrepreneur venu réparer la plomberie. Quelques instant après, Jude Royce vient postuler pour un poste en tant que directeur adjoint. En signant, il l'a met en garde à propos de Lex. Il lui dit que, lorsque Lex Luthor s'implique dans un projet ça se termine généralement mal.

Devant le Talon, alors qu'il arrive, Max Kasish l'aborde avec panique. Lex n'est pas satisfait de le voir, car ils étaient censés ne plus se voir. Max lui rapporte que Jude Royce l'a traqué et exigé la vérité. Lex lui dit que ce n'est pas le moment d'en parler et l'envoie à Métropolis et rejoint Clark qui passe devant le Talon. Il lui demande qui est l'homme avec qui il discutait mais Lex lui dit que c'était personne.

Au Talon, il apprend que Jude Royce a postulé pour le poste de directeur adjoint et commence à s'inquiéter. Quand il remonte dans sa voiture et commence à démarrer, une musique assourdissante accompagner d'une voix disant «Tu vas payer» se mets en marche - la même chanson que la nuit où Jude Royce a été tué. Lex tente par tous les moyens à trouver d'où provient la musique et comment l'éteindre. Clark utilise alors sa vision à rayons X, et trouve un lecteur de CD dans le tableau de bord. Il lui dit de regarder sous le volant et Lex l'arrête. Il lui dit que quelqu'un a du lui faire une farce. Clark lui demande alors ce qui se passe mais Lex lui réponds en lui demandant de rester en dehors de cette histoire. Il part sous les critiques des passants.

Lorsque Clark rentre à la ferme, il est étonné de trouver Chloé en train d'interroger ses parents pour sa biographie. Il demande ce qu'elle fait là, et Chloé lui dit qu'elle n'a pas réussi à le trouver et donc qu'elle est venue directement à la ferme pour interroger ses parents. Elle lui demande alors de prendre une heure dans la semaine pour pouvoir faire la biographie, mais Clark lui dit qu'il doit aller voir Lana et il s'en va. Lorsqu'il est parti, Chloé se tourne face aux Kent et leur demande si Clark est toujours comme ça.

Clark se précipite à la rencontre de Lana sur la grande rue. Lana dit qu'elle aime vraiment le projet du Talon. Elle veut tellement que les gens comptent sur elle plutôt qu'ils la traitent comme la pauvre petite fille qui a perdu ses parents. Lex arrive et ils se rendent tous à l'intérieur du futur Talon. À l'intérieur, ils retrouvent l'entrepreneur inconscient au sol. Ils le réveillent et celui-ci leur rapporte que quelqu'un l'a frappé sur la tête. Au comptoir, il y a une boîte-cadeau avec le nom de Lex dessus. Il lit la lettre qui lui est destinée et trouve à l'intérieur de la boite la main de Max Kasich. Plus tard, les secours sont là et interroge Lex sur la main coupée. À l'écart, Lana raconte à Clark ce que Jude Royce lui a dit à propos de Lex, comme quoi était dangereux de s'associer à Lex Luthor. Mais Clark lui dit que Lex a vraiment l'air déboussolé.

Le lendemain, au lycée, Chloé essaie d'obtenir des informations intéressantes au sujet de Clark à Pete. Elle lui dit que mise à part qu'il n'aime pas certains légumes, elle n'a pas eu la moindre information sur Clark. Ce dernier arrive au Talon lorsque Pete donne une exclusivité à Chloé en racontant une histoire de leur enfance : alors qu'ils avaient six ans, il a jeté un gamin de neuf ans par une porte. Chloé intéressait demande à Clark une explication à ce sujet et lui apprend qu'elle a fait quelques recherches et découvert que l'adoption de Clark a été géré par des organismes de bienfaisance Unies de Métropolis et que ça a été fait au out de six mois. Mais Clark est furieux. Il ne savait pas tout cela et il n'est pas content que Chloé est fureter partout.

Dans une salle de gym, M. Rains, chef de la sécurité, rapporte des rapports à Lex à propos de Max qui ne s'est jamais rendu à Métropolis après avoir quitté Smallville, et que Jude Royce n'a pas de parents ni frères et sœurs. Lex lui demeande s'il a des nouvelles d'Amanda Rothman, mais le chef de la sécurité lui répond qu'il ne l'a pas encore trouvé.

Plus tard, au cours de sa séance d'entraînement, Lex replonge dans un flashback de la nuit au Club Zero. Amanda pleure sur le corps de son fiancé mort quand Sam Phelan arrive. Lex lui révèle qu'après que Jude l'a poignardé, il a lutté et Max a sorti le pistolet. Sam accepte de le sortir d'affaire pour que son nom n'apparaisse pas dans les rapports de police ou tous autres journaux. Il donne à Lex la carte de visite d'un homme (le Dr. Toby) qui va prendre soin de son épaule pour que son nom ne figure pas sur tous les rapports dans une salle d'urgence. Une fois le flashback terminer, Lex est toujours dans le gymnase où quelqu'un lui braque une arme sur la tempe. Quand il se retourne, il voit Jude Royce, l'homme qui devrait être mort.

Clark arrive au Manoir et entend des voix dans le gymnase et effraie Jude en rentrant. Clark d'en savoir plus à propos de Club Zero, mais Lex ne veut pas en parler.

À la ferme des Kent, Clark aide Jonathan dans les tâches. Il lui pose des questions à propos de la charité mystérieuse et Jonathan fait une référence tout aussi mystérieuse pour avoir besoin "d'un niveau d'accès." Ensuite, il est étonné de ne pas voir ses animaux à porter de vue, et quand ils vont pour voir plus loin dans les champs, ils trouvent leur troupeau de vaches mortes dans le domaine.

Plus tard, le Centre pour la protection de l'environnement (CPE) se présente avec des costumes et des matières dangereuses et trouvent des barils avec le logo de LuthorCorp dessus. Lex arrive et supervise le nettoyage. Il s'approche des Kent et s'excuse auprès de Jonathan pour les dommages et lui dit qu'il remboursera tous les dégâts. Jonathan est furieux et lui lance que l'argent ne peut pas toujours tout arranger et il s'en va. Clark lui demande si ça n'a rien à voir avec le Club Zero et Lex ne comprend pas ce qui se passe. Un homme vient et dit à Lex qu'un homme voudrais le voir. Lex se rend vers cette personne mais cet homme du CPE est Jude Royce. Il utilise un pistolet Taser s'en sert sur Lex et le jette dans un fourgon vide.

Lex ouvre les yeux et se retrouve avec une camisole de force la tête en bas. Il demande ce qui se passe.

Chloé retrouve Clark dans son loft et lui présente des excuses pour son adoption. Et pour ressouder leur amitié, elle lui donne des informations sur les coupures que Clark a trouvé du Club Zero de l'homme qui a été tué et un autre homme qui lui ressemble et qui a été vu à la ferme. Elle hacks dans la base de données et tire sa licence. Elle obtient un nom évidemment faux (John Smith) et une adresse. Clark lui demande d'envoyer des informations à Métropolis et part en super-vitesse.

Quand il arrive, la police est là et les coroner transportent un mort hors du bâtiment. Clark utilise sa vision à rayons X pour voir que le cadavre n'a pas de main et en déduit que ça doit être Max Kasich. Clark demande à un agent de police où il peut trouver le Club Zero. Mais l'officier lui explique que le Club a fermer il y a six mois de cela, mais lui donne l'adresse.

Au Club Zero, Jude est sur le point de tirer sur Lex quand il se fait tirer dessus, L'homme qui vient de tirer n'est autre que le plombier du Talon, Roy Rothman, le frère d'Amanda. Roy allume les lumières et la musique et tire sur les chaînes détenant Lex à l'envers. Lex s'écrase au sol. Lex lui demande alors qui était l'homme qui l'a enlevé, et Roy Rothman lui raconte l'histoire : Quand il était en prison, Amanda était la seule qui lui a rendu visite. Il lui explique qu'il a enlevé Lex parce qu'il veut se venger de sa sœur, qui s'est suicidé il y a un an. Il explique également qu'une semaine après l'enterrement de sa sœur, il est entré dans un restaurant à Blüdhaven et a rencontré un cuisinier qui ressemblait exactement à Jude Royce. Ensuite il s'énerve et tente de savoir la vérité sur ce qui s'est passé cette nuit-là. Lex accepte de lui révélé l'histoire : qu'après que Jude l'a poignardé, Max a sorti son pistolet, mais un danseur l'a heurté et il le laissa tomber. Amanda l'a ramassé et a tiré sur Jude. Ce n'est pas l'histoire que Roy voulait entendre et il devient furieux. Il ramasse Lex et le met face à un aquarium. Au moment où il appuie sur la gâchette, Lex se tord et saute en arrière sur une balustrade.

Clark arrive en super-vitesse et l'utilise pour pousser un canapé en vertu pour sauver Lex, puis exécute l'étage et jette Roy contre un poteau, le rendant inconscient. Puis il court vers la porte et prétend arriver tout juste à temps. Il délivre Lex, et ils retournent à Smallville pour l'ouverture du Talon.

Au Talon, Clark félicite Lana pour son projet et lui offre un tableau représentant le Talon il y a longtemps.

À la Torch, Chloé est sur son ordinateur et hésite à effacer les recherches sur Clark puis décide de poursuivre son enquête sur l'adoption de Clark par les organismes de bienfaisance Unies de Métropolis.


Ecrit par adri280891

Act 1 Teaser

We see Lex's face. His eyes are bloodshot and he is sweating. The shot starts to tilt and we see that he is hanging upside down in the middle of a dark room in a straight jacket. A door shutting is heard.

Lex : Let me go. [A man walks in. He pushes a button shining a light on Lex's face] What do you want from me?

Jude : The truth.

Fade to a night club. Across the bottom of the screen we see "Metropolis Three Years Ago." Lex and a girl walk to the front of the line outside.

Bouncer : Can I see some I.D.?

: You must be new here. [Another bouncer approaches.]

Kasitch : It's okay. Let him though.

Lex : Thanks, Kasitch. [Gives him a tip]

Kasitch : No problem. She's cute.

Lex : She's engaged. [To the girl] What do you think?

Amanda : It's loud.

: How's the V.I.P. room tonight?

Kasitch : I think we can make some room for you.

Lex hands him another tip - a hundred-dollar bill.

Amanda : [As they ascend the stairs] I hope you don't feel obligated to entertain me. Jude's only gone for a couple days.

: I don't believe in obligations. Besides, your fiancé did me a favor. I wasn't looking forward to a night out on my own.

Amanda : Something tells me you wouldn't have been alone for very long.

Lex : [To bartender] Two apple martinis.

Amanda : [Picking up a matchbook that says "zero consequences."] Zero consequences. That's quite a promise.

Lex : Only if it's kept. [They get their drinks] To my good friend Amanda on her engagement.

Amanda : Cheers.

Something gets her attention.

: What is it?

He sees a man sitting between two women, drinking and laughing. Amanda goes to him.

Jude : Amanda...

Amanda : You said you had to go away on business.

Jude : I can explain, okay? [She takes off her ring and throws it at him] Amanda, wait a second. I can explain, Amanda, just wait. [She runs away] Amanda! [To Lex] You son of a bitch. You did this on purpose.

Lex : You did it to yourself. Amanda deserves better.

Lex goes back to the ground floor and catches up with Amanda. Jude follows.

Jude : Lex!

He grabs Lex and they get into a fist fight. Kasitch separates them. Jude pulls out a switchblade and reaches past Kasitch, stabbing Lex. Kasitch pulls out a gun. A close up of the barrel as it fires, shooting Jude in the chest.

Back to the present.

Jude : Liar! That's what it said in the papers, but that's not what really happened is it?

Lex : It's the truth! Read the police reports!

Jude : I know you covered it up. I don't know how you did it. But you're gonna pay.

Lex : Who are you? The man steps out of the shadows and shows his face. It's Jude.

Jude : Don't you remember? Hmm? You killed me. [Jude points a gun at Lex] Daddy can't save you this time, Lex.

The screen goes black as we hear a gunshot.

[Opening credits]

Act 1 Scene 1

Clark, Chloe, and Pete in the hall at school. Day. At the bottom of the screen we see "One Week Earlier."

Clark : There is nothing like 50 minutes of Mr. Austin's English class that works up an appetite.

Pete : There's nothing like having a 6-page student biography due Monday to help me lose mine.

: What, the biography part, or the fact that our fellow student subjects were randomly assigned?

Clark : Pete's convinced that the drawing was fixed.

Pete : There are a dozen ladies in our class, each worthy of lengthy interrogation. I get stuck with Stan Gibson.

Clark : The manager of the student store? Well, I hear he's very...

Chloe : Efficient?

: Very funny. I'm about to learn more about the art of selling "Go Crow" pendants than any human should have to endure. [To Chloe.] You haven't stopped smiling since we left. Who's your victim?

Chloe : The illustrious Mr. Kent himself.

Pete : Oh!

Clark : Me?

Pete : I take it back. Chloe's the one with the challenge.

Clark : Excuse me.

Pete : No offense, Clark, but digging up six pages of interesting on you is going to require some serious excavation.

Clark : I do stuff.

: Yes, and I'm sure that once I deploy my journalistic skills on you, I'll be able to unearth a skeleton or two.

Clark : You know, uh, Chloe. This is a class project, not a corruption scandal.

Chloe : Relax, Clark, it's not like you have anything to hide, right?

Pete : Come on, Clark. Cough up. Who'd you get?

Clark pulls a piece of paper out of his shirt pocket, smiling.

: Oh, don't tell me. Lana Lang. [His smile widens] Oh, my God. Just look at his face. You don't even have to see it.

Pete : Like I said, definitely rigged. I can assume you'll be starting your paper ASAP?

Clark : It's all gonna work out. I've been helping Lana over at the Talon, getting ready for the grand opening.

: Oh, that's nice. The surrogate boyfriend does the heavy lifting while Whitney works at his dad's store.

Clark : On that note...

Clark starts to walk away.

Chloe : Wait. When are you gonna sit down and do my interview?

Clark : Right. Uh, I'll be around. [Leaves]

Chloe : Did he just blow me off?

Pete : One step forward, two steps back. Come on.

Act 1 Scene 2

Lana and a contractor at the Talon. Day.

Lana : You promised me everything would be ready on time.

Contractor : That was before the plumbing started leaking. It hasn't been replaced in years.

Lana : How long will that take?

Contractor : I can't really give you a straight answer, not until I crawl up there. You resurrect the past, you get the problems that come with it.

Lana : Lex Luthor is going to be by later. He's going to need numbers and a timetable and a better explanation than that. [The contractor goes and Lana turns around, nearly running into Jude.] Sorry, we're not open yet.

Jude : It's about the assistant manager position. I know I'm late but if I could get an application.

Lana : Yeah. Yeah, just give me a second.

Jude : Great. I really appreciate this, Miss, uh...

Lana : Lang.

Jude : Lang.

Lana : And just to warn you, my aunt's not taking anymore interviews until next week.

Lana hands him an application.

Jude : Well, that's all right. I happen to have all the time in the world. I'm Jude Royce.

Lana : Hi. [They shake hands]

Jude : So I understand that Lex Luthor has a stake in this project.

: Yeah, he's one of the owners. Why, do you know him?

: Well, a lifetime ago in Metropolis.

Lana : Must have been interesting.

: Well, let's just say there's a reason he's in Smallville. You know my advice? Stay away from him. When Lex gets involved, things usually turn out badly.

Cut to Lex driving up outside. He gets out of the car and Kasitch approaches.

Lex : What are you doing here? I thought we had an understanding. After that night, we were never to have any contact.

Kasitch : I saw him, Lex.

Lex : Who?

: Jude.

Lex : We both know that's impossible.

: Listen to me! He's alive. Everywhere I go, I see him. He's stalking me!

Lex : Kasitch, calm down.

Kasitch : I'm not crazy.

Lex : This man say what he wanted?

Kasitch : Yeah. The truth.

Lex : [Sees Clark walking up] Listen, I keep an apartment in the city. It's very secure. You stay there and wait for my call.

He gives Kasitch the key who then walks away.

Clark : Hey, Lex.

Lex : Hey.

: Who was that?

: Nobody. [They go inside the Talon] I hear we've sprung a leak. [Lana nods]

Clark : Is everything all right?

Lana : Just a little weirded out.

Lex : Relax, it's just a leak.

Lana : No, a friend of yours came by, applied for the assistant manager position. He told me to, um, to stay away from you.

Lex : What was his name?

Lana : [Looks at the application] Jude Royce.

Clark : What is it, Lex?

Lex : When did he leave?

Lana : Just before you came in.

Lex walks outside and looks around. Clark follows.

Clark : Lex. Who's Jude Royce?

Lex : Trust me, Clark. I have no idea who Lana met today, but it couldn't have been him. Don't worry about it, Clark. I'm not.

He gets in his car. When he starts it, loud music starts blaring with a man's voice screams "killer!" and "murderer!" He adjust the radio and nothing happens.

Clark : What's going on?

Lex : I don't know!

Clark looks through the dashboard with his x-ray vision and sees a small CD player.

Clark : Feel under the dash!

Lex feels around and pulls out the player, stopping the music.

: Looks like someone decided to get creative while I was inside.

Clark : What were the screams?

Lex : I assume it was someone's twisted idea of a joke. And a successful one. We've managed to draw a crowd.

Clark : Lex...

Lex : Clark, this really doesn't concern you. [He drives away]

Act 1 Scene 3

Clark enters his house. Day.

Clark : Hello? Anybody home?

: Hey. Pull up a microphone, son.

Clark sees his parents and Chloe seated around the dining room table.

Clark : Hi, Chloe. What's going on?

Chloe : Since I couldn't find you all day, I decided to start my biographical inquiry at the beginning. And unlike a certain so-called friend of mine, your parents gracefully agreed to be interviewed.

: Chloe's been asking us some very interesting questions, Clark.

Chloe : Thank you. Um, now, we just have a few more to go so... We were talking about the early days. Now, what was involved in adopting Clark?

Jonathan : W-well, it was just like any normal adoption, I guess.

Chloe : Okay, well, can you take me through the process? Did it take weeks or months? I mean, did you guys use a lawyer or did you go through an agent-- [The tape recorder clicks] Shoot. I'm out of tape. That's okay. I've got some extra C-90s in my car. I'll be right back. [She exits]

Martha : Chloe's researching your life for a school project?

Jonathan : When did that happen?

Clark : We just got the assignment today. I didn't know she was going to go Mike Wallace on me.

Jonathan : Look, so, we don't mind talking about you. But if she starts asking questions about the adoption...

Clark : What about the adoption? Is there something I should know?

Jonathan : Well, of course we had to make up a story, but it's a little more complicated than that.

: Let's just say it's a subject we'd rather not have anyone explore.

Chloe : [Enters] Sorry, am I interrupting? Oh, Clark, now that you're finally spinning in my orbit, I have a couple of pertinents for you too.

Clark : Oh, actually this is just a pit stop for me. I'm on my way to meet up with Lana to work on my paper.

Chloe : Oh, um, you know, Clark. Not to strike a paranoid note, but are you avoiding me?

Clark : Tomorrow. I promise. [He leaves]

Chloe : Okay, this isn't an official question, and I don't want you guys to take it the wrong way, but has your son always been this strange?

Act 1 Scene 4

Lana and Clark outside the Talon. Night.

Clark : How does it feel?

Lana : Feel?

Clark : To single-handedly bring the Talon back from the brink of becoming a parking garage.

: It's nice, you know? Being counted on, having responsibility. People treat you differently.

: Like you won't break.

Lana : I finally feel like I'm shedding that fairy princess costume. [Lex drives up] Lex, what are you doing here?

Lex : Contractor called, said he had an estimate. Wanted me to meet him here. [They go inside and find the contractor on the floor] What the hell?

Lana : Are you okay?

: Yeah. I-I came in the back door and some guy jumped me and forced me to let him in, then bashed me over the head.

: Did you see his face?

Contractor : No.

: Look.

They see a box tied with a ribbon.

Lana : That wasn't there when I locked up. I'll go call the police.

A card on the box says "Lex Luthor."

: Lex, your name's on it.

: [Opens the card. It's says "zero consequences."] Zero consequences.

He opens the box. There is a human hand in it. There is a "K" ring around the little finger.

Fade to black.

Act 2 Scene 1

Clark and Lana at the Talon. Night. Lex is talking to the police in the background.

Clark : How you holding up?

Lana : I was fine until, uh, it showed up.

Clark : Yeah, stupid question.

Lana : What kind of a sick person would do a thing like that?

Clark : I don't know. But I've never seen Lex so freaked out before.

: You can join the club. That guy warned me. He said everything Lex touches turns out badly. How much do we really know about him and his past?

: I want you both to know how truly sorry I am about this. I promise this won't affect the grand opening.

Lana : We're going to be infamous before we even open the doors.

Lana walks away.

Clark : Do you know who he is? The guy in the... you know.

Lex : Max Kasitch. And yes, I knew him a long time ago in Metropolis.

Clark : You have any idea who might have done this to him?

Lex : Not at all.

Clark : What about your old friend Jude Royce?

Lex : I doubt it could have been him, Clark.

Clark : Why?

Lex : Because he's been dead for three years.

Act 2 Scene 2

Chloe and Pete in the hall at school.

Chloe : Come on, Pete. I'm desperate. Now the only information I can get from the Kents was the earth-shattering admission that Clark hates peas.

Pete : Chloe, a body part shows up at the Talon and all you can do is talk about Clark. Where are you priorities? You know Lex Luthor must be mixed up in this somehow.

: Easy. Now, I know you've got issues with the Luthors, but--

: More than issues. You know what the Luthors did to my family.

: Okay, one piece of investigative information at a time. Now about Clark...

Pete : Chloe, what do you want from me? In a world full of designer water, Clark Kent is straight form the tap.

Chloe : I know, but you've known him the longest. I mean, all I need is just, like, a little anecdote. Just a small piece of information from Clark's deep, dark past.

Pete : Well, there was something back in the first grade.

Chloe : Thank you! That's more than I've uncovered in, like, the past two days. Now please, let's continue.

: There was this bully three grades ahead of us. This dude was determined to pound dents into every kid in the school. One day, I guess it was my turn. He was just about to take my head off when Clark jumped between us.

: So Clark ran interference. [They enter the Torch. Clark is already there.] Now, as kind as that sounds, Pete, I really don't think it falls under the "something amazing" test.

Clark : What test?

: I'm not finished. Clark didn't just push brain-dead away. He put him through a door, as in splinters and broken hinges. How he did it, I still have no idea. The guy was at least twice our size.

: Clark, any comments?

Clark : Uh, well, we were, you know, six years old. Twice our size was three feet tall.

Pete : If you need anymore ancient history, ask the source. I've got an appointment at the student store.

: Have fun. [Pete leaves] And so the mystery that isn't Clark Kent deepens.

Clark : Mystery?

Chloe : Yeah. Since you continue to play obstructionist, I've had to find information through other means. [She picks up a file] For instance, I found that your adoption was done through Metropolis United Charities. But this is the strange part. They were only in business for six months and from what I can tell, yours is the only adoption they handled.

Clark : I can't believe you did this, Chloe.

: You didn't know? I just assumed that your parents would have told you. I mean, weren't you interested?

: Why would I be? My biological parents are either dead or didn't want me. The point is, you're prying into my private life.

Chloe : I was just trying to be thorough.

Clark : This is a class project. I spent an hour yesterday with Lana. That's it. That's all I needed. I'm not some mystery for you to solve.

: Clark, I-- [He leaves]

Act 2 Scene 3

Lex is punching the bag in his gym. Day. A guard is with him.

Lex : Talk to me, Mr. Raines.

Mr. Raines
: According to the doorman, Kasitch never made it to the apartment in Metropolis.

Lex : What about Royce?

Mr. Raines
: His parents died when he was young. Car accident. He was an only child, inherited everything.

: And Amanda Rothman? Have you tracked her down yet?

Mr. Raines : She moved. Left no forwarding address. When's the last time you spoke to her?

Lex : About three years ago.

Mr. Raines : I'll go wider, but it could take some time. It'd help me if you tell me what's going on.

Lex : No, it wouldn't. You're my head of security. You find her and warn her she could be in danger. That's all you need to know. [Lex flashes back to that night at the club. Amanda kneels next to Jude crying while a paramedic works on him. A man's voice is heard.]

Sam Phelan : Make a path! Police. Excuse me, excuse me. Police.

Kasitch : [Stopping him] Who are you?

Phelan : [Showing his badge] Detective Sam Phelan, Metropolis P.D. Are you what passes for security in this zoo?

: Don't go anywhere.

: Don't go anywhere. We'll talk.

He walks to Lex who is holding a bloody tissue to his chest

Lex : Thank God you're here.

Phelan : Lex, Lex. You really put your foot in it this time. Tell me exactly what happened. [Lex doesn't answer] Hey, if you fall apart on me, I can't help you. What went down?

We see the scene again. Jude stabs Lex and Kasitch pushes Jude away. Lex grabs Kasitch's gun and as they fight for it, it goes off, shooting Jude. Fade back to Lex and Phelan.

Phelan : That's exactly what happened?

Lex : Yeah.

Phelan : Good. Here's how it's gonna go. You were never here. Your name will not appear in any papers or on the police report.

Lex : How?

: That's what your daddy's money's for. This one is gonna cost him.

Lex : What about Amanda?

: I'll take care of everybody's story. But you are never to see her or talk to her again, you got it? [He hands Lex a card] Talk to this guy. He'll take care of you r shoulder. No emergency rooms. All right, get out of here. [Lex looks back at Amanda and goes. Phelan walks up to Kasitch] You see what happened?

Kasitch : Most of it.

: Well, smile. 'Cause you're about to come into some serious money.

Back to Lex in his gym. He punches the bag, then stops to steady it. The barrel of a gun presses to the back of his head. He turns around and sees Jude.

Jude : Nothing to say? Hmm? I thought Lex Luthor had all the answers.

: Look, you twisted son of a bitch, I don't know what you want.

: I want to know what happened at Club Zero. The cover up. You know the cop? Hmm? The one on the report, Phelan? He's dead. It seems you were somehow involved in that, too. I find that very interesting.

: Why don't you kill me now?

: Uh, because it's more fun to watch you suffer. Knowing that any moment... bang!

Cut to Clark walking up to the gym. He hears Jude's voice.

Jude : Tell me... [Clark hears the gun being cocked] what really happened.

Clark : [Bursts through the door] Lex! [Lex looks to the door. When he looks back, Jude is gone] Lex. You all right?

: Clark, what are you doing here?

Clark : Your office told me you were here. I thought I heard someone else.

Lex : No, I'm all by myself.

Clark : Hey, I looked up Max Kasitch. I know what happened at Club Zero. That he shot and killed Jude Royce. Everyone fits into this except for you. What's going on?

Lex : Please, Clark. For our friendship, I'm asking you to stay out of this. Some secrets are better left alone.

Act 2 Scene 4

Jonathan working on the farm. Day.

Jonathan : Clark! Come on, son. The cow's aren't gonna feed themselves. [Clark joins him] What, you have a late night?

Clark : I was helping Lana. To her credit, she's not gonna let the whole body part incident delay the opening of the Talon.

: Well, that's what happens when you get into business with somebody like Lex Luthor.

Clark : Well, if it wasn't for Lex, the Talon would be a parking garage.

: Son, he casts a very, very long shadow. I just want to make sure that none of you kids get hurt. That's all.

Clark : The past is in the past. The best we can do is look to the future.

Jonathan : All right, you got me. Speaking of that, how's Chloe's paper coming along? And I assume that she's done with her interviews.

: I'm not sure.

: Look, Clark, if she mentions anything to you about the peas? I'm sorry, it's the first thing that came to mind.

Clark : And if she mentions anything to me about Metropolis United Charities?

Jonathan : And I used to think perseverance was an admirable quality.

: Since I learned the real truth, I hadn't thought about the adoption,. Dad, Chloe told me the agency you used was only open six months and I was the only kid adopted.

: Look, son, uh, the process is a really tough one, even when you go through normal channels. With you, it was just a little more complicated. That's all.

: Is everything legal?

Jonathan : Yeah, it's legal, it's just... Well, it required a higher level of access than you mother and I had.

Clark : What does that mean?

Jonathan : Let's just say that it's a very long road between what's sitting in our storm cellar and what's written on your birth certificate. [He looks away] You hear that?

: Hear what?

: The whole herd's just over that rise, we ought to be hearing something.

They go over the rise and see all the cows in the field are dead.

Fade to black.

Act 3 Scene 1

We see numerous barrels that say LuthorCorp outside the field of dead cows. Day. They are tipped over and have bubbling chemicals pouring out. Men in protective suits are investigating. Jonathan and Martha watch over the fence. Chloe takes pictures near Clark.

Chloe : What do you think happened? Why would LuthorCorp dump their stuff here? [Lex arrives] I'm gonna go take from some different angles. [She walks away]

Lex : Mr. and Mrs. Kent, I have no idea how this could have happened, but I'll do everything in my power to find out. And I'll pay for your livestock of course.

Jonathan : You think that's how you solve everything, don't you, Lex? You sprinkle a little money on it and hope the problem goes away. Well, obviously some things are a little more difficult than that. [Jonathan and Martha leave]

Lex : [To Clark] I didn't think it was possible to fall any further in your father's eyes. Obviously, I was wrong. You know I'd never intentionally allow something like this to happen.

Clark : Does this have anything to do with Club Zero?

Lex : I think so.

Clark : You need to tell the authorities everything you know. This isn't just about you anymore.

Clark goes to join his parents. A cop walks up.

Cop : Mr. Luthor, the C.E.P. guy needs to talk to you. He's over there.

Lex walks over to the C.E.P. officer. The officer takes off his sunglasses revealing himself as Jude.

Jude : Looks like a real black mark on your company's environmental record.

Lex : I'm going to walk over there and get that sheriff.

Jude : And tell him what?

Jude shocks Lex with a taser, sending him flying inside a van. Jude shuts the door.

Act 3 Scene 2

Clark on the phone in the Kents' kitchen. Day.

Clark : All right, well just tell him Clark Kent called. Thank you.

Martha : [Enters] Who was that?

Clark : I'm trying to reach Lex. He's not in the office, and he's not at the mansion and his cell phone goes straight to voicemail. Where's Dad?

Martha : Still supervising the removal of the cows.

Clark : Lex said he'd pay for that.

: Clark, this isn't just about money. We don't know what kind of health threat this poses to us or to our neighbors.

: I don't think this is Lex's fault. I think someone is trying to set him up because of what happened at the nightclub. Look.

He hands her a copy of the Inquisitor with a picture of Jude and a headline reading "Death at Club Zero."

Martha : Until this is cleared up, I don't--

Clark : Mom, Lex has always been a good friend to me.

: I know that, Clark. I'm usually the one who defends him, but there's some things in his past that are a little shady.

Clark : I thought in this family we don't look at the past.

: Clark, I grew up in Metropolis. I know the Luthor world. It looks glamorous and fun, but the kids grow up too fast and they can get into trouble. Whatever's happened to Lex is starting to affect you. Body parts in boxes and poisoned cows? This isn't normal.

: What do you want me to do, Mom? Cut him out of my life?

Martha : No, I just want you to cool it off for a while until we know what really happened. Your father and I just don't want to see you pulled into his problems.

Act 3 Scene 3

Clark in the loft. Day. Chloe enters.

Chloe : Can I talk to you for a second? [He doesn't answer] How are you doing?

Clark : That depends if it's on the record or not.

Chloe : Okay, I deserved that. Look, I didn't mean to ambush you with the whole adoption agency thing.

Clark : Hey, you saw a story and you went right for it. That's what journalists do.

Chloe : You're right, you're right, and I didn't think about how it would hurt you, and you know, I... As much as journalistic instinct rebels, I would much rather have a friend than a subject. So I'm dropping the whole thing.

Clark : Thank you.

Chloe : Can I ask you a question? Totally off the record. Do you ever wonder about your biological parents?

: Every day of my life.

Chloe sees the old copy of the Inquisitor.

Chloe : Looks like I'm not the only one doing some digging. What's Club Zero?

Clark : Part of Lex's past he asked me to stay out of.

: Um, oh, by the way. I brought by some pictures for you parents. I figured they could use it for insurance purposes and stuff. I'll see you later. I gotta go.

: Chloe. [He holds the picture form the Inquisitor next to a picture Chloe got of Jude in the C.E.P. disguise] It's the same guy.

Chloe : Wait, but... but he's--

Clark : Dead.

Act 3 Scene 4

Lex hangs upside down in the dark room.

: Help! Somebody! Help! [He struggles against the straight jacket] Ah! Help! Somebody!

Act 3 Scene 5

Clark and Chloe at the Torch. Day.

Clark : Still no word from Lex. No one's spoken to him since this morning.

Chloe : Okay, well, I pulled our alleged dead guy's license plate. It's registered to John Smith. Very original. He has an address in Metropolis and he does not work for the C.E.P.

Clark : How'd you do that?

Chloe : I hacked into the DMV database. See? Sometimes persistence is a good thing.

Clark : Call Metropolis P.D. Have them go to the address.

Chloe : What's going on?

Clark : I think Lex is in serious trouble.

Act 3 Scene 6

The dark room. Jude enters.

Jude : You ready to talk? You're finally where you should have been three years ago. [Turns the light on Lex's face.] Exposed in the spotlight.

Lex : What do you want from me?

Jude : The truth about Club Zero.

Cut to An apartment in Metropolis. Day. The coroners are carrying out a body bag on a stretcher. The police are questioning people and a crowd has gathered around the police tape. Clark runs up. He looks through the body bag with x-ray vision and sees the right hand is missing from the body.

Clark : Kasitch. [To a cop] Excuse me. Did you find anyone else in there? [The cop shakes his head] Do you know where I could find Club Zero?

Cop : You're six months too late, kid.

Clark : What do you mean?

Cop : It close down. It was an old warehouse on 78th and Main.

Clark walks away.

Back to Jude and Lex.

Jude : Liar! That's what it said in the papers, but that's not what really happened.

Lex : It's the truth! Read the police reports!

Jude : I know you covered it up. I don't know how you did it, but you're gonna pay.

: Who are you?

: Don't you remember? Hmm? You killed me. [Points the gun at Lex] Daddy can't save you this time, Lex.

We see Lex's face as a gunshot is heard. Then a thud. He sees Jude on the floor and another man behind him with a gun. The man hits a button on a remote. Music starts playing and the neon lights reveal that they are on the upper level at Club Zero.

Contractor : No more games, Lex. It's time for the truth.

Fade to black.

Act 4 Scene 1

Club Zero. Day. The man shoots the chain holding Lex sending him to the floor.

Lex : I know you. You're the contractor from the Talon.

Contractor : That's my day job.

Kicks Lex in the stomach.

Lex : Who are you?

Contractor : Mandy never talked about her family?

Lex : She- she had a brother in Central City. She said he was in prison. She was the only person who kept in touch with him.

Contractor : She was my lifeline when I was inside. You see, I never had a rich daddy to keep me out of jail.

Lex : I don't understand. What do you want?

Contractor : What do I want? What do I want? I want vengeance for my sister.

: What do you mean? Where's Amanda?

: She's dead, Lex. She committed suicide a year ago.

: I never knew.

: That's because you cut her out of your life. She was never the same after Club Zero. Jude's death devastated her. He was the love of her life. You took all that away. She had nothing to live for.

Lex : [Looking at Jude on the floor] Who's that?

: Lucky break. A couple weeks after Amanda's funeral, I walk into a greasy spoon in Bloodhaven and there he is. I couldn't believe it. Short-order cook, flipping burgers. You know how they say everyone in life has a double. I had to look twice. I figure if he can fool me, he can fool you.

: Why'd he do it?

: He was on parole, needed the money, and that's when I got the idea. You ruined Mandy's life, I'd ruin yours. Mandy's finally gonna get the justice she deserves.

: You were right. You were right. The newspapers, the police reports, what I told Phelan, they were all lies. You want the truth? I'll give it to you.

Flash back to the club that night. Jude reaches past Kasitch and stabs Lex. Kasitch pulls his gun and gets knocked down by a man dancing nearby. Jude comes for Lex again and we see a close-up of a gun firing, hitting Jude in the chest. Lex turns around and sees Amanda holding the gun. She starts crying and drops it.

Back to present.

Contractor : No, no, no, no, you're twisting it again!

Lex : That's what happened! That's what happened. Amanda pulled the trigger, she shot Jude. I was just trying to protect her.

: I'm through with you, Lex!

He pulls Lex to his feet, leans him up against an aquarium at the edge of the upper level, and points the gun at him.

: Killing me won't bring Amanda back. None of this can change what happened.

Contractor : I don't care. After tonight, you'll never hurt anyone else. You can't escape your past, Lex.

Lex turns sideways just as the gun fires and the bullet misses him. The aquarium explodes and Lex flies backwards, falling towards the ground below. We see him fall in slow motion as Clark comes through the door. He super speeds across the club, grabs a couch, and pushes it under where Lex is falling. He super speeds up the stairs and throws the contractor against a beam, who then starts falling down the stairs. Clark super speeds out the door as Lex lands on the couch, then runs back in.

Clark : Lex!

Lex : Get down! There's a man with a gun up there!

Clark : Where? [They see the contractor halfway down the stairs, unconscious] You mean that guy? What happened?

Lex : I have no idea. How'd you find me here?

Clark : With a little help from my friends.

Act 4 Scene 2

The grand opening of the Talon. Night. It's full of people talking and having drinks. Lana is with Whitney. She goes to Clark as he enters.

Lana : So? What do you think?

Clark : I'm definitely surprised.

Lana : Me too. Where's Chloe?

Clark : She said she wanted to be fashionably late. [He pulls a present out from behind his back] I got this for you. Don't worry, it's not a body part. [She opens it and it's a framed black and white picture of the Talon] It was in the attic. It was my grandfather's. It was taken just after the Talon opened. I figured you could hang it above the counter.

Lana : Clark, it's amazing. Thank you.

Clark : You're welcome.

Lana : I better get back to work.

Clark : How does it feel?

Lana : Terrifying. Don't tell anybody.

Clark : Your secret's safe with me.

Lana walks away as Lex enters.

Lex : I get the feeling you're avoiding me, Clark.

Clark : I just realized there's a lot I don't know about you.

Lex : You think my dark past is gonna rub off on you? I was trying to protect Amanda. My father wouldn't have raised a finger to help her, but I knew he'd do anything to save his only son.

Clark : So you took the fall and everything was covered up. Is that really what happened? Is it the truth?

Lex : The truth is, I'd do anything to protect my friends.

Act 4 Scene 3

Chloe at the Torch. Night. She looks at the computer screen. It says "Metropolis United Charities, Adoption Query for Clark Kent." There is a dialogue box that says "Save Document?" She moves the mouse back and forth between Delete and Save several times.

Finally she clicks on Save.


Kikavu ?

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