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#119 : Télékinésie

Résumé : Après avoir été renversé par une voiture, Justin, un brillant dessinateur, lycéen à Smallville, a perdu l'usage de ses mains. Cependant, il peut désormais déplacer les objets par la pensée et décide de se venger du conducteur qui l'a handicapé. Il tue ainsi le proviseur Kwan qu'il prend pour coupable. Mais il s'agit en fait de Danny, le fils de Kwan, et Clark va devoir l'arrêter avant qu'il ne s'attaque à lui et à Chloé. Par ailleurs, le père de Whitney meurt.


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Photo de l'épisode #1.19

Photo de l'épisode #1.19

Photo de l'épisode #1.19

Photo de l'épisode #1.19

Photo de l'épisode #1.19

Photo de l'épisode #1.19

Plus de détails

Guest-stars :

→ John Glover dans le rôle de Lionel Luthor
Adam Brody dans le rôle de Justin Gaines
→ Hiro Kanagawa dans le rôle du Principal James Kwan
 Donna Bullock dans le rôle de Pamela Jenkins
→ Catherine Barroll dans le rôle de Betty Fordman
Kevan Ohsji dans le rôle de Danny Kwan
James Purcell dans le rôle du Docteur Nathan Wells
Anaya Farrell dans le rôle de Renée David
Serge Houde dans le rôle du Père John Frankie


Indiscrétions :

Pete explique à Clark que pendant l'été il travaillera pour la campagne du maire. Un premier pas dans la vie politique ?

Le maire pour lequel va travailler Pete se nomme Siegel. Un clin d'œil à Jerry Siegel, co-createur de Superman.

C'est la dernière apparition du Proviseur Kwan. Les fans de Buffy apprécieront le parallèle : le 1er proviseur est également tué lors de la saison par des élèves possédés.

Dans les dessins de Justin destinés au journal, le corbeau représenté porte le futur costume de Superman.

Pamela Jenkins est la 1e personne à appeler Lex par son prénom complet : Alexandre. Ceci afin d'apporter un côté maternel au personnage.

À l'Hôpital des enfants de Métropolis, Justin Gaines est dans la salle d'art, lorsque le Dr. Nathan Wells vient le voir. Il est vêtu d'un smoking, et se rend apparemment à une réception. Il dit à Justin qu'il sera de retour à Smallville le lendemain. Il lui rapelle qu'il a été hospitalisé pendant cinq mois suite à un accident avec délit de fuite, mais que sa réhabilitation ne s'est pas mal passé : ses mains sont paralysés. Il peut à peine tenir un crayon. Justin lui dit qu'il aimait dessiner, mais que le portrait sur lequel il travaille actuellement ressemble à rien. Wells lui dit qu'il a de graves lésions nerveuses et que son niveau de récupération est en fait remarquable compte tenu de la lésion initiale, mais Justin n'est pas reconnaissant. Il est profondément irrité de ce qui lui est arrivé. Le dessin était la seule chose qu'il aimait tant, et maintenant, il n'est pas bon dans ce domaine. Il accuse le Dr. Wells et l'amène à des poursuites pour faute professionnelle contre lui, alors il figure qu'il a fait sans doute quelque chose de mal dans son cas aussi.

Le Dr. Wells rejoint Renée, sa femme, dans le hall et montent dans l'ascenseur ensemble. Bien que le Dr. Wells ait parlé très gentillement à Justin dans la chambre, il parle très irrespectueusement de lui dans l'ascenseur. Tandis que l'ascenseur descend, Justin, dans sa chambre, change de portrait. C'est évidemment le Dr. Wells. Soudain, l'ascenseur s'arrête brusquement entre le 14ème à le 15ème étage. Le Dr. Wells ouvrent les portes et trouve qu'ils sont arrêté entre les deux étages. Il aide sa femme à sortir de l'ascenseur pendant que Justin gribouille les mains de Wells sur le portrait, et quand il essaie de sortir, l'ascenseur s'écrase, coupant les mains du Docteur.


C'est la journée des carrières au Smallville High School. Danny, le fils du proviseur Kwan, tente de recruter Clark pour l'Armée de l'Air. Pete obtient un emploi à la campagne de réélection du maire Siegel tandis que Chloé est nerveuse à essayer d'obtenir une des quatre places disponibles pour les étudiants pour le stage d'été au Daily Planet sur plus de 500 demandes. Pete lui rappelle qu'elle peut essayer l'Inquisitor, mais Chloé insiste sur ke fait qu'elle tient à aller au Planet. Il lui suggère de retenter à nouveau le samedi lorsqu'elle et Clark seront à Métropolis pour une convention d'étudiant en journalisme. Clark se rend compte qu'il a totalement oublié de les inscrires, et qu'il est désormais trop tard pour obtenir des billets. Chloé est extrêmement bouleversée, souligne qu'il passe beaucoup de temps avec Lana et Lex et néglige complètement ses autres amis. Au bord des larmes, elle s'en va, et Clark ne comprend pas pourquoi elle est si bouleversée. Pete est aussi un peu ennuyé à l'attitude de Clark. Pete tente de lui expliquer que Chloé l'aime vraiment et qu'lle veut lui demander de l'accompagner au bal du printemps, et su'elle veut passé une journée sans "Lex et Lana".

Justin retourne au lycée et Chloé est très heureuse de le revoir. Ils discutent de leur emails partagé depuis six mois au cours de sa convalescence, et Justin en profite pour lui annoncer qu'il ne sera pas en mesure de reprendre le dessin pour la Torch. Justin lui propose une tasse de café et bien qu'elle voit Clark par-dessus son épaule, elle accepte.

Plus tard, Clark les rattrape à la torche. Justin avoue que pendant une longue période, il ne s'est souvenu de rien à propos de l'accident, mais maintenant il pense qu'une partie de la plaque d'immatriculation était DDI. Chloé est enthousiasmé par l'idée de l'aidé à faire des recherches pour lui. Clark dit qu'il a réussi à obtenir deux billets pour la conférence de Lex, mais Chloé est toujours en colère contre lui. Elle souligne fermement qu'elle et Justin enquêteront sur l'accident sans son aide et qu'elle irait à la convention avec Justin. Quand Justin fait tomber son portefeuille, Clark voit une coupure de journal de l'accident du Dr. Wells.

De retour à la ferme des Kent, Lana rend visite Clark et lui pose des questions sur Chloé. Il admet qu'il sent qu'ils pourraient devenir plus que des amis, et qu'il se sent jaloux quand il la voit avec Justin. Quand Clark admet qu'il est surpris qu'il ne l'a jamais vu auparavant, Lana dit que, parfois, la personne est en face de vous et qu'ils ne le savent jamais.

Justin est frustré à quand il essaye de faire un portrait de Chloé avec ses mains paralysées. Il déchire la page et jette tout. Puis il ramasse cinq crayons et des morceaux de craie avec son esprit et commence à créer un portrait superbe.

Lex Luthor ten visite à la tombe de sa mère, Lillian Luthor, quand il rencontre à nouveau Pamela Jenkins pour la première fois depuis des années. Il n'est pas heureux de la voir. C'est aussi le neuvième anniversaire de la mort de sa mère.

Au lycée, le lendemain, Clark essaye de convaincre Pete que Justin pourrait ne pas dire la vérité en raison de la coupure qu'il a vu dans son portefeuille. Justin les entend et dit à Clark de lui laisser sa chance avec Chloé.
Dans la journée, Clark fournit les tartes au Talon et parle à Whitney. Son père est en voie de guérison et il a des billets pour voir la ville à Métropolis. Lana semble malheureuse. Quand Whitney l'a quitte elle avoue à Clark que la maladie de M. Fordman défini leur relation, et que maintenant il vaut mieux redéfinir leur relation. Elle demande comment Clark fait avec Chloé. Il admet qu'il a peur de perdre une amie, mais il choisi l'amitié à la romance avant et il regrette de laisser ce moment se glisser devant lui.

Justin trouve Chloé à la Torch. Elle est ravie de lui dire qu'elle a envoyé le numéro de la plaque d'immatriculation à son contact à la DMV partielle qu'il lui a donné. Justin lui donne le portrait qu'il a fait. Puis il lui dit que quand la voiture l'a frappé et q'uil était allongé sur la route, il pensait à elle. Il admet qu'il avait le béguin pour elle et qu'il regrette de ne pas lui en avoir fait part. Chloé est touché et ils s'embrassent passionnément, et d'un coup, toutes les fournitures du bureau dans la salle commencent à flotter. Lorsque Chloé ouvre les yeux, elle sursaute et tous les objets retombent. Justin avoue qu'il a le pouvoir de la télékinésie depuis l'accident, mais il ne veut pas devenir un complément au mur des bizarreries de Chloé. Mais Chloé n'a pas peur et ils s'embrassent à nouveau jusqu'au moment où Clark arrive sans frapper. Chloé quitte la salle pour parler à Clark, et au même instant elle reçoit un fax de la DMV avec un indice sur la licencedu  numéro partiel de la plaque. Dans le hall, Clark tente d'avertir Chloé de resté loin de Justin. Chloé est toujours en colère contre Clark. Elle dit que Justin lui a dit qu'il Clark parlait de lui dans son dos, et ne veut pas entendre ce qu'il essaie de dire.

Pamela Jenkins arrive au Manoir. Elle révèle qu'elle ne l'a pas abandonné après la mort de sa mère mais que c'est Lionel qui l'a renvoyé. Elle est venue chercher le pardon, mais Lex est toujours en colère. Pamela le quitte tristement.

Cette nuit-là, quand le Principal Kwan arrive chez lui, il trouve une poubelle dans son allée. Quand il sort de sa voiture pour déplacer la boîte, Justin e confronte sur l'accident. Kwan dit que ce n'est pas lui, mais Justin le plaque contre la porte de garage. Il arrache un des lampadaire solaire de la pelouse et l'empale sur la veste de Kwan, de sorte qu'il ne puisse pas partir. Il met en marche le moteur de la voiture, qui vient s'écrasé sur Kwan à travers la porte du garage et contre le mur du fond.

Lex rend visite à Clark dans son loft et est très amusé par les tentatives de Clark à comprendre la psyché féminine. Clark explique son dilemme avec Lana et Chloé, et Lex lui  propose quelques conseils, en disant que s'il ne peut pas choisir entre les deux jeunes filles, il les perdra toutes les deux. Il remarque aussi que certaines personnes sont destinées à être seules, et Clark est déçu de son franc-parler. Martha arrive avec des informations : que Principal Kwan vient d'être tué dans un accident.

Le lendemain, Clark trouve que Chloé est désemparée et travaille sur un problème de mémorial. Clark propose de l'aider, mais elle refuse. Clark remarque que la plaque d'immatriculation de Kwan commence par DDI, mais Chloé est tellement bouleversée qu'elle ne mettra aucun soupçons sur Justin.

Clark se rend à la maison de Kwan pour enquêter. Il demande à Danny si Justin est venu la nuit dernière. Puis il lui explique que Justin a estimé que le Principal Kwan était le conducteur la nuit de l'accident, parce que les plaques correspondaient. Mais Danny se sent coupable et Clark devine que c'était Danny au volant de la voiture. Danny admet que son père a essayé de le protéger.

Chloe se rend à la maison de Justin parce qu'il n'est pas à l'école. Chloé découvre un carnet de croquis dans sa chambre remplie de bandes dessinées de l'accident de M. Wells et l'assassinat du Principal Kwan. Elle devine que Clark avait raison de soupçonner Justin. Quand Justin entre dans la pièce, il essaie d'embrasser Chloé, mais elle s'excuse car elle doit mettre les choses au clair avec Clark, mais Justin remarque que son carnet de croquis pas à sa place.

Au Talon, Martha dit à Clark qu'il a bien fait de convaincre Danny de se rendre aux autorités. Ensuite,  Ensuite Clark reçoit un appelle paniqué de Chloé de la ferme des Kent. Elle essaie de dire à Clark comment Justin a causé les accidents, mais Justin est là et utilise son esprit pour prendre le téléphone de sa main. Il ferme la porte de la grange et la jette à travers la pièce. Il lui fait une entorse à la cheville. Enfin, il la frappe à la tête avec un fer à cheval, en frappant son inconscient. Tandis qu'il avance vers elle avec une tronçonneuse, Clark arrive, et de son invulnérabilité, prend le coup. Il dit à Justin qu'il a tué la mauvaise personne. Justin jette Clark à travers la grange, mais Clark, étant beaucoup plus puissant que Justin revient rapidement et le jette contre un mur. Il vérifie que Chloé va bien. Elle le serre dans ses bras en pleurat.

Au Manoir, Lionel est là et prévient son fils qu'ils vont vendre Cadmus Labs. Lex rappelle son père que leur deal lui donne une participation de 50% avec un droit de veto. Puis il en vient à parler de Pamela Jenkins. Lionel a peur a peur que Pamela vienne lui demander de l'argent. Elle a beaucoup de factures médicales parce qu'elle est en train de mourir d'un cancer.

À l'hôpital, Lex apporte à Pamela le livre qu'elle admirait au Manoir. Pamela explique qu'elle a honte et qu'il lui a fallu si longtemps pour venir la voir. Elle exprime le regret qu'elle ne pouvait pas l'aider à grandir et lui raconte comment elle est fière de l'homme qu'il est devenu.

Le lendemain, au Talon, Chloé dit à Clark que Justin est détenu dans l'asile psychiatrique. Elle admet que Clark avait raison à propos de Justin mais Clark est désolé, il s'est avéré être droit. Il demande à Chloé de se joindre à lui lors de la convention de journalisme des étudiants. Chloé accepte d'y aller. Leur relation semble commencer à se développer. Lana regarde leur échange et semble bouleversé. Quand Whitney arrive, elle semble résolue à lui dire que c'est fini, mais elle n'a pas la chance de le faire. Il est venu pour lui dire que son père est décédé.

Tous les amis et proches de la famille Fordmana sont à l'enterrement, vêtu de noir. Il pleut, de manière appropriée, et comme Lana regarde avec convoitise Clark avant de suivre Whitney et sa famille.


Ecrit par adri280891

Act 1 Teaser

Metropolis Children's Hospital. Night. A teenage boy is in a common room working at an easel as lightning and thunder crash outside. A man in a tuxedo enters.

Dr. Wells : Justin. I just thought I'd stop by and say goodbye. I heard you were going back to Smallville tomorrow.

: Yeah. Smallville.

Dr. Wells : How's it going?

Justin reaches up to the easel with his hand in a brace and turns it toward the man, revealing a crude drawing of a man.

Justin : You tell me.

Dr. Wells : You've been here five months. You've come a long way. Your body has done a lot of healing.

Justin : Except for my hands. They're never gonna get better and that means I'll never draw again, and that's the only thing I was ever good at.

Dr. Wells : You suffered severe nerve damage. It's lucky that you have any movement in your hands at all. I did everything I could. You know that.

Justin : Really? Is that what you told the five patients who filed malpractice suits against you?

Dr. Wells
: Now, I can understand your still being angry. But blaming me isn't going to change your condition. You were in an accident and you have to accept that.

Justin : I was in a hit-and-run.

Dr. Wells
: You know, when I was your age, I wanted to be a violinist. So I applied to the conservatory, but I failed the audition. The instructor told me that I had the hands of a surgeon and that's why I moved into medicine. As one door closes, another one opens. You're young. You'll find something new. Goodbye, Justin. [He leaves]

Justin : Have a nice life, Dr. Wells.

Cut to Dr. Wells meeting a woman in an evening dress in the hall.

Dr. Wells : Renee, honey, I'm sorry.

: Another ungrateful patient?

Dr. Wells : Aren't they all?

They get in the elevator.

Renee : So you think they'll sue?

Dr. Wells : He doesn't have any proof. He's alive. He should be thanking me.

The door closes.

Cut to Justin's drawing. He pulls it off the easel, revealing an expert color portrait of Dr. Wells.

Back to Dr. Wells and Renee as the elevator starts to shake.

: What's going on?

There is a jolt and they are thrown to the floor as the elevator begins to fall. It finally stops shaking as the lights continue to blink.

Dr. Wells : Are you okay?

She nods.

Renee : Get us out of here! Hurry up! Come on! [He frantically presses buttons and the elevator jolts again] Get us out of here now! Get us out of here now! Hurry up! Come on!

He pries the door open and they are at face level with the floor.

Dr. Wells : Help!

Renee : Help us! [The elevator quakes] That's it. Give me a hand up.

Dr. Wells
: All right.

Dr. Wells boosts her up to the floor and she crawls out.

Cut to Justin looking at the portrait. He picks up a marker and starts to scribble over Dr. Wells' hands.

Back to Dr. Wells reaching out of the elevator.

Dr. Wells : Okay, grab my hands.

Renee takes his hands as the metal begins to grind and the elevator inches downward. She screams as the elevator drops with his hands smashed between it and the floor.

We see Justin continue to scribble. He smiles.

[Opening credits]

Act 1 Scene 1

Career Day at Smallville High. Day. Clark is talking to a man at one of the tables.

Danny Kwan : I see you in a uniform flying. You ever considered a career in the air force?

Clark : Um, I'll think about it. [He walks away and finds Pete who is happily accepting a sheet of paper from a woman at another table] What are you smiling about?

Pete : I just landed a summer job at Mayor Siegel's office working on his re-election campaign.

Clark : I thought you were gonna help your mom out down at the courthouse.

: Judge Ross can get some KSU student to schlep her files. Besides, who wants to hang out with their parents all summer long?

Clark : Yeah.

: Sorry, Clark.

Clark : Did you know that's Kwan's son down at the air force booth?

Pete : Growing up with Kwan, the air force must seem like Club Med.

Chloe approaches.

Clark : Wow, you look nice.

Chloe : Thanks. I was, uh, kind of going for professional. Did you know that the Daily Plant only takes four high school interns from the whole state?

Pete : Ah, you're a shoo-in, Chloe.

Chloe : Tell him that. He said they received over 500 applicants last year. I doubt I'll even get an interview.

Clark : Well, there's always the Inquisitor. Didn't Lex offer to hook you up?

Chloe : No, I'm interning at the Planet. I don't care if it's delivering coffee to the classified department.

Pete : Why don't you just try again next Saturday when you're in Metropolis?

Clark : Why are you going to Metropolis?

Chloe : [Pauses] We're going to Metropolis, Clark. The student journalism conference. You were supposed to sign us up and I know you didn't forget because now it's too late to get in.

Clark : I'm really sorry. I've been at the Talon all week with Lana working on a history project.

Chloe : So naturally everything else becomes less important.

Clark : Well, that's not true.

Chloe : Clark, how much time have we spent together in the last three weeks?

: We see each other every day.

: It was 45 minutes when my car happened to break down outside the Talon and you gave me a ride home. I practically had to tear you away from Lana.

Clark : Don't you think you're being just a little unfair?

Chloe : No. Whenever Lex and Lana are around, it's like the rest of us don't exist.

Clark : Wait, Chloe, why are you being so hypersensitive?

Chloe : You know, most men are from Mars, Clark, but you're from some distant galaxy that I've never even heard of.

She walks away.

Clark : [To Pete] Look, I know I screwed up, but why is Chloe having a breakdown?

Pete : You're not the most observant person in the world, are you?

Clark : What are you talking about?

Pete : She wanted to spend the day with you uninterrupted. No Lana and no Lex. She's planning on asking you to the Spring Formal.

Clark : Yeah, but that'd be like...

Pete : A date? Clark, maybe if you took off your Lana blinders, you'd realize that Chloe likes you.

Cut to Chloe shutting her locker. A hand touches her shoulder.

Chloe : Clark, I'm not interested in an apology.

: Well, not the welcome I was expecting, but hi.

Chloe : Hey! [She hugs him] How are you? It's so good to see you! When did you get back?

Justin : Yesterday. Listen, I just wanted to thank you, by the way, for sending all those emails. They really got me through a tough time.

Chloe : Well, I'm sure that lots of people kept in touch.

: Hey, you'd be surprised. For most of my friends it was out of sight, out of mind.

: I know the feeling. So when can you start drawing your cartoon again? Everybody's been waiting for the further adventures of the "Flaming Crow's Feet."

Justin holds up his hand in the brace.

Justin : Unfortunately, my drawing hand is kind of shot.

: Oh, I'm sorry.

Justin : It's okay. I'm in the process of reevaluating my life. So listen, is there any chance that maybe I could buy you a cup of coffee or one of those nonfat no foam lattés that you like?

Clark walks up and Chloe looks at him.

Chloe : Yeah. Why not? Um, I'm in the process of reevaluating my life too. Let's go.

Act 1 Scene 2

Lex walks up to an elaborate grave. Day. There is a grass walkway lined by stone pillars adorned with flowers. The grave itself is on a concrete dais with a glass pavilion overhanging it. Lex kneels down and puts flowers in the vase, and we see the headstone says "Lillian Luthor, Loving Wife and Mother, 1951-1993." A woman approaches behind him.

Lex : What are you doing here?

Pamela : I'm here for the same reason you are. The anniversary of her death.

Lex : It's been nine years. Why the sudden burst of sentimentality?

Pamela : I deserved that, just disappearing form your life. I--

Lex : I'm sure all that LuthorCorp stock my mother left you helped ease the pain.

Pamela : Is that what your father told you?

Lex : All those years I thought you loved me. But you were just in it for the money.

Pamela : I know you're angry with me, and you have every right to be. But we need to talk.

Lex : I can't believe there's anything you'd say that would interest me. Goodbye, Pamela. [He leaves]

Act 1 Scene 3

Chloe and Justin in the Torch looking at a "Flaming Crow's Feet" comic strip. Day.

Chloe : This one's definitely my favorite strip.

Justin : Really?

Chloe : Yes. My-

There's a knock on the door and Clark enters.

Clark : Hey, guys.

Justin : Hey.

Chloe : You know Justin.

Clark : Yeah, of course. Welcome back. How you feeling?

Justin : Oh, I'm just kind of taking it one day at a time.

Clark : Did they ever find the driver who hit you?

Justin : No, no. I couldn't really give the police that much. I didn't remember anything for a long time.

Chloe : Well, what do you remember?

: A little bit of the license plate. DDI.

Chloe : We should look into it.

Clark : You should call the police.

: [Pointedly] If we find something, we'll pass it on.

: Okay.

Clark : Anyway, I talked to Lex. He scored us two tickets to the conference.

Chloe : Oh, don't worry about it, Clark. Justin's already signed up so I'm going as his guest.

: Yeah, or we could all go together.

: No. Um, Clark's not that interested in... in journalism anyway.

Justin : Right, okay. Uh, I should probably get going. Listen, it-

He drops his binder and his papers spill everywhere. Clark kneels down to help him pick them up and sees an issue of the Inquisitor with the headline "Going Down! Doctor Loses Hands in Freak Accident." Justin rips the paper away from him.

Justin: Thank you.

Act 1 Scene 4

Clark is doing homework in the Kents' kitchen. Day. Lana knocks on the door and enters.

Clark : Hi.

Lana : Hey, Clark. Is your mom around? I wanted to order some more of her pie.

Clark : She's at class. I can help you.

Lana : I didn't expect to see you here. I thought you'd be helping Chloe proof the latest edition.

Clark : She has enough help.

Lana : Are you two still fighting?

Clark : Who said we were fighting?

Lana : I kind of caught it yesterday at the career fair. What's going on with you two?

Clark : Chloe likes me.

Lana : [After a pause] So how do you feel about her?

Clark : Like maybe we could be more than friends. When I saw her with Justin today, I got kinda...

Lana : Jealous?

Clark : It's like you find out this secret and it colors everything. I just can't believe I never saw it before.

Lana : Sometimes the right person can be right in front of your eyes and you never even know it.

Clark : Uh, so how many pies did you want?

Lana : [Quietly] A dozen.

Clark : How's Whitney? I hear his dad's feeling better.

Lana : He's great.

Clark : Everything okay?

Lana : Never better. Good luck. I hope things work out with Chloe.

Clark : Me too.

Lana : Bye.

She leaves.

Act 1 Scene 5

Justin sits at an easel in his room. Day. On the easel is a sketch of Chloe. He picks up a pencil and attempts to work on it, and ends up fumbling and making a downward scribble. He drops the pencil in frustration. We see the tip of a pencil drawing a line down the page, passing another pencil going up. They continue as the tip of a colored pencil colors Chloe's lips pink. Then, we see the whole picture as a pencil, three colored pencils, and an eraser work on it, moving by themselves.

Fade to black.

Act 2 Scene 1

Clark catches up with Pete in the hall at school. Day.

Clark : Pete.

Pete : Hey.

Clark : Hey, have you seen Chloe?

Pete : Not since English. She's probably hanging out with Justin.

Clark : What do you think about that guy?

Pete : He seems pretty cool. I never got to know him that well before. He was always buried in his sketch pad.

Clark : Chloe seems to like him.

Pete : Careful, Clark. You almost sound a little jealous.

Clark : I'm not jealous. I'm concerned.

Pete : Why? Because Chloe's falling for a nice guy? It's got me worried too.

Clark : Look. [He hands Pete the issue of the Inquisitor] Justin had it in his portfolio yesterday.

Pete : [Reading] "Going Down. Doctor Loses Hands in Freak Accident." So?

Clark : That was Justin's doctor. Don't you think it's a little weird he's carrying that around with him?

Justin : [From behind Clark] I liked the tragic irony. You always talk about people behind their backs, Clark?

Clark : Look, Justin, I didn't mean--

Justin : Yes, you did. So, what, so I start spending a little time with Chloe, suddenly you realize she exists and want me out of the picture?

Clark : Chloe and I are just friends.

Justin : You had your chance with her. Now you let me have mine.

He walks away.

Act 2 Scene 2

Pamela looks through a book in Lex's pool room. Day. Lex enters.

Lex : What the hell are you doing here?

Pamela : [Putting the book down] I wanted to see what kind of young man you'd grown into.

Lex : A very busy one. So if there's nothing else...

Pamela : We were close once, Alexander, you were like a son to me.

Lex : You were an employee, Mrs. Jenkins. You were paid to watch me while my mother's health failed and my father crisscrossed the globe on business.

: I loved you like my own. After the meteor shower, I was the one person who never looked at you differently.

: Just because you knew me at a vulnerable point in my life, doesn't give you the right to waltz back in here a decade later. Things have changed. I've changed. What do you want from me?

Pamela : I want you to know what really happened.

Lex : You lied to my mother on her deathbed.

: No, I didn't. I had every intention of staying, but your father sent me away. After the funeral, he called me into his office and he told me if I ever had contact with you again, that he would disinherit you.

: Why would he do that?

Pamela : Because he wanted you to be his son, not hers.

: So why show up now? Hmm? Has the statute of limitations on my father's threat expired?

Pamela : I needed to see if you'd found a way to be true to yourself in spite of Lionel's efforts. And to be honest I... I wanted your forgiveness.

Lex : I'm afraid you'll have to find a way to grant it to yourself.

Pamela : Goodbye, Alexander. [She leaves]

Act 2 Scene 3

Clark puts a pie on a rack at the Talon. Day. Lana pays him.

Lana : I wish everything sold as well as your mom's organic apple pies.

Clark : Every little bit helps.

Whitney approaches.

Whitney : Hey, Clark.

Clark : Hey, Whitney. How's your dad?

Whitney : On the mend. Happy to be home. [To Lana] Hey, keep Saturday night free. I've got two tickets to "Our Town" at the Metropolis Playhouse.

Lana : Wow. What inspired you to do that?

: I saw you reading it at school. I thought we might start making up for some lost time. [He kisses her cheek] See ya.

Lana : Bye. [He leaves] Whitney has paid more attention to me in the last two weeks than he has all year.

Clark : Have you talked to him about it?

: Well, he seems so happy ever since his dad got better. He wants to pick up things where we left off.

Clark : How do you feel about that?

Lana : After Mr. Fordman got sick, Whitney needed me. It kind of defined our relationship. Now, I need to redefine it.

: There's a lot of that going on.

Lana : How are things with Chloe?

Clark : Unresolved.

: What are you gonna do?

Clark : I don't know, just don't want to lose a friend in the process.

Lana : Once you cross that line, you can't go back.

: Chloe gave me that same advice about... someone else.

: What happened?

Clark : I decided to stay friends.

Lana : Do you regret that decision?

: Yeah. I let that moment slip away and I don't think I'll ever get it back. I don't want to make that same mistake twice.

Act 2 Scene 4

Chloe is typing at the Torch. Day. Justin enters.

Chloe : Hey. I just emailed the partial license plate details of your hit-and-run to my contact at the DMV. I told him to start with all the cars in the county. He said that he would fax me whatever information he found.

Justin : Wow. [He hands her a rolled up paper] Well, here. It took me all night.

Chloe : [Unrolling it and seeing the picture of herself] Oh, wow. It's beautiful.

Justin : Well, so are you. Did you know after that car hit me and I was lying in the road, I kept picturing your face.

Chloe : Me? Why me?

Justin : Because I always had the biggest crush on you and I was too afraid to do anything about it. And I thought here I am about to die, and I'm never gonna get the chance to tell her how I feel. But when you started emailing me when I was in the hospital, I knew that this was my chance. I wasn't gonna let you get away twice. [He comes closer to her] I fought my way back for you.

They begin to kiss. As the kiss deepens, objects around the room rise into the air. Chloe notices and pulls back as everything falls.

Chloe : What just happened?

Justin : Can you keep an open mind?

Chloe : Sure.

: Something happened to me after the accident, and when I was in the hospital I found that I could move things... with my mind.

: Like telekinesis?

Justin : [He nods] Am I freaking you out?

: Believe it or not, I've seen stranger things.

Justin : 'Cause I don't want to end up on your wall.

Chloe : Don't worry, you won't. Now, let's make everything float again.

They kiss. Clark enters.

Clark : Hey, Chloe, can I-- [He sees them and they pull apart] Can I talk to you outside for a second?

Chloe : Yeah, sure, Clark. [To Justin] I'll be right back.

: Okay.

She follows Clark out. The phone in the Torch rings and a fax comes through that says "Got a match." Justin sees it.

Cut to Clark and Chloe in the hall.

Clark : Don't you think this Justin thing is moving a little too fast?

: We've been emailing back and forth for six months. I know him better than I know you.

: Did he tell you what happened to his doctor?

Chloe : No. But he did tell me that you were talking about him behind his back.

Clark : I was just looking out for you, Chloe. [He starts to walk away]

: What's with you, Clark? Do you have some sort of savior complex? If I'm in trouble, you'll rescue me, but other than that, you're made emotionally unavailable.

: I just don't want you getting involved with Justin because you're mad at me.

Chloe : Believe it or not, Clark, my world does not revolve around you. Why can't you just accept the fact that I found someone special, and unlike you, I'm willing to take a chance.

Chloe walks away.

Act 2 Scene 5

A car pulls up into a driveway. Night. It stops because a garbage can is lying in the way. The license plate is DDI 035. The driver gets out and we see it's Principal Kwan. He picks up the garbage can.

Justin : Tell me one thing. Was it easy to lie to everybody?

: Justin? What are you doing here?

: Reliving old memories.

Kwan : I think you should go home.

Justin : You know, I was only halfway across the crosswalk when you car came barreling around the corner. It hit me so hard, I felt like I'd been broken in half.

Kwan : I don't know what you're talking about.

: 'Cause I remember lying in the street, blood dripping into my eyes, watching your taillights disappear. You didn't even bother to stop.

: It wasn't me. [He is suddenly thrown backwards against the garage door] Aaah!

Justin : It started in the hospital. Maybe it's a way to compensate for the motor skills that I've lost in my hands. I was immobilized in a total body cast and I found that I can move things just by thinking.

He turns around and looks at the lawn lights that line the driveway. One of them rises form the ground and the spike at the bottom points at Kwan. It goes flying toward him and sticks into his jacket just above his shoulder, anchoring him to the garage door.

Justin : But that didn't replace what I'd lost. Because nothing could ever do that.

The car headlights turn on and the engine starts.

Kwan : Justin, stop it!

: Do you know what it feels like to be hit by a 2,000-pound car?

The car slips into gear and comes speeding at Kwan. It hits him, breaking through the garage door and plowing him into the back wall of the garage. Justin walks away, leaving Kwan unconscious on the hood.

Fade to black.

Act 3 Scene 1

Clark is reading "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus" in the loft. Night. Lex enters and Clark quickly puts the book down next to his leg on the couch.

Clark : Hey, Lex, what are you doing here so late?

: I came to talk to your parents about the settlement. What are you reading? [Clark doesn't answer and Lex sits next to him, picking up the book] "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus"?

: I'm trying to get an insight into the female psyche.

Lex : I seriously doubt you'll find it in here. What's the problem?

Clark : I've got these two amazing friends who both happen to be girls.

Lex : For argument's sake, let's call them Lana and Chloe.

: I've always liked Lana, but I can never get near her. I just found out that Chloe likes me and I think I may have feelings for her too.

: So which one do you want to pursue?

Clark : That's the thing, I want to protect my friendship with both.

: Then you'll never get either one.

Clark : Thanks. I think I'll stick with the book.

: Clark, love isn't about playing it safe. It's about risks. Unless you're willing to put yourself out there, you'll never know.

Clark : Have you ever been in love before?

: I've only loved two women in my life. One died and the other betrayed me.

: I'm sorry.

: Some people are meant to be alone.

Martha enters looking upset.

Clark : Mom? What is it?

Martha : It's Principal Kwan. He was killed in an accident.

Act 3 Scene 2

Chloe and Pete are at the Torch. Day. Clark enters.

Clark : Hey, guys. How are you holding up?

: [Upset] I still can't believe this happened. I'm putting together a memorial issue, but of course when you're looking for pictures of someone, you can never find them. Um, Pete, can you check the library files again? One more time?

Pete : Sure.

Chloe : Thank you.

Pete : No problem.

Pete leaves.

Chloe : I read Kwan's police report. Apparently his car was still on. It must have slipped into gear.

Clark : Chloe, are you okay?

: Yeah, I'm fine. I just I can't find anything in this office.

Clark : Let me help.

: No thank you.

Clark : [Looking at the computer screen] Chloe, look at this. The first three numbers of Kwan's license plate match Justin's hit-and-run driver.

Chloe : What are you getting at, Clark?

: Well, I'm saying there's a lot of weird accidents that happen around this guy.

Chloe : Clark, you are seriously barking up the wrong tree here.

Clark : Did you get a response from the DMV yesterday?

: No. It never came through.

Clark : [Looking at the fax machine] Yes, you did. 4:43 yesterday afternoon. That's right around the time you were here with Justin.

Chloe : He couldn't have done it.

: Why, because you like him?

Chloe : No, because I know him and I know he wouldn't hurt anyone.

Clark : I hope you're right. [He leaves]

Act 3 Scene 3

Lex enters his study and finds Lionel seated at the desk. Day.

Lionel : [Reading from a book] "I celebrate myself and what I assume you shall assume."

Lex : "For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you."

Lionel : [Chuckles] Sounds like a description of family, doesn't it?

Lex : Not ours. Since when do you read poetry?

Lionel : We're selling Catmus Labs, Lex.

Lex : Our deal memo gives me 50% ownership with veto rights. I don't recall you asking my opinion.

Lionel : We only bought Catmus to bankrupt Sir Harry. After we pumped and dumped the stock, the company's worthless. It served its purpose.

Lex : You didn't come all this way to talk about Catmus.

Lionel : I understand Pamela's back in the states and that she paid you a visit.

: Did you come to disinherit me?

Lionel : Is that what she told you?

: Is it true?

Lionel : Your mother was, uh, she was an extraordinary woman. But her taste in help left a lot to be desired. Pamela was a hanger-on. She convinced your mother to leave her all that stock and then she disappeared before the body was even cold.

Lex : You took time out of your busy schedule to tell me that?

: I know how much she meant to you and I don't want her using emotional tyranny to hit you up for money.

Lex : Why would she do that? She's got plenty of stock.

Lionel : Probably, she doesn't want to sell it to pay her medical bills.

Lex : What medical bills?

Lionel : She didn't tell you. How noble.

Lex : Tell me what?

Lionel : She's dying, Lex. Cancer. Probably all those years sitting in the sun in Saint-Tropez. [Lex sits, shaken] What does she want?

Lex : Forgiveness.

Lionel : And what did you tell her?

: To get out.

Lionel : No. She doesn't know you very well, does she? [He leaves]

Act 3 Scene 4

Clark walks up to Kwan's house. Day. He steps through the police tape into the garage and looks around. A man comes in behind him.

Danny : What are you doing here?

: Danny. Uh, I'm really sorry about what happened to your dad.

: I don't understand what happened. He, uh, he had the car keys with him. It's like... it's like something just smashed the car right into him.

: Danny, do you know a Justin Gaines? [Danny nods] Do you know if he came by here last night?

Danny : No, why?

Clark : I think Justin believes your father was responsible for the accident.

: That's crazy. You should leave.

: He matched part of your dad's license plate to the hit-and-run driver's. [Danny turns away] Is there a chance Justin's right?

Danny : My dad didn't deserve this.

: Your dad wasn't the one driving the car, was he? You're the one who hit Justin.

Danny : My dad, he, uh, he was just trying to protect me.

Act 3 Scene 5

Chloe looks through Justin's portfolio in his bedroom. Day. She sees x-rays of Justin's hand next to x-rays of Dr. Well's hands. Then a comic strip of Dr. Wells getting his hands cut off in the elevator. She turns the page and sees a comic of Kwan getting hit by the car.

Justin : [From outside the room] Chloe? [She closes the portfolio and he enters] Hey. My mom said you were here.

Chloe : Oh, I wanted to surprise you. I didn't see you at school today. Did you hear about Principal Kwan?

Justin : I did. That's really weird, right?

Chloe : Yeah.

: I guess you never know when your time's up. Which is why I think we should make the most of the time that we have. [He touches her face and she turns away] What's the matter?

Chloe : Nothing. Um, I forgot, I just remembered, um, I told Clark I'd meet him at his house.

Justin : You know, for someone that you said is out of the picture, you sure spend a lot of time with him.

: Don't worry. Today, I plan on telling him exactly what's going on between us.

She leaves. He turns around and sees his portfolio.

Act 3 Scene 6

Martha and Clark enter the Talon. Day.

Martha : You did the right thing, Clark, convincing Danny to turn himself in.

Clark : His father's dead, now he's probably going to jail.

Martha : Some secrets destroy families.

Lana walks up.

Lana : Clark, Chloe's on the phone. She sounds really freaked out.

Clark picks up the phone at the bar.

Clark : Chloe? What's up?

Cut to Chloe in the Kents' barn.

: Clark, I've been calling all over the place. I really screwed up. Justin is involved, you were right.

Clark : Well, calm down. Where are you?

Chloe : In your barn. I haven't been completely honest with you, Clark. I know how Justin caused those accidents.

Chloe's cell phone flies out of her hand.

Clark : Chloe? Chloe! [He runs out of the Talon]

In the barn, Chloe looks around.

Chloe : Justin?

The door slams shut behind her. She turns around to look at it and we see Justin standing behind her.

Fade to black.

Act 4 Scene 1

Chloe is in the barn, still unaware of Justin's presence. Day. She suddenly flies into the air and against the wall.

Justin : How could you betray me? How could you betray what we had together?

Chloe tries to run away and rises into the air again. She remains there for a few seconds, then screams as she falls to the ground. She gets up and runs to the side door of the barn, which closes as she gets to it.

Justin : That's what I love about you, Chloe. You're a fighter.

Chloe runs to the other door. Justin sees a horseshoe nailed to one of the support beams and makes it hit Chloe on the head, knocking her unconscious. A chain saw rises into the air and turns on.

Justin : I'm sorry. I didn't want it to end this way.

Clark super speeds into the barn just as the chain saw is heading for Chloe. He runs over the stand in its way, and it breaks into pieces as it hits him.

Justin : How did you do that?

Clark : You killed the wrong man!

Justin : You're lying.

: His son just turned himself in. He was the one who hit you.

Justin : That is not true!

Clark : You said you cared about Chloe. How many innocent people are you willing to kill, Justin?

Justin : Just one more.

Clark is thrown up to the second floor and into the bales of hay.

: You've really got to stick those landings, Clark.

A hand taps on his shoulder. He turns around and sees that it's Clark.

Clark : You can't win, Justin.

Clark throws him at the wall. Chloe starts to wake up.

Clark : Chloe, are you okay?

Clark touches her face and she pulls him into a hug, crying.

Act 4 Scene 2

Lex enters Pamela's hospital room with the book she had been looking through at the mansion. Night. He puts the book on the bedside table.

Pamela : You're the last person I expected to see.

Lex : Why didn't you tell me?

: It's not your concern.

Lex : It's not my concern that you're dying? I could help you. I can get you treatment.

Pamela : I didn't come to you for help or pity. I came because I have nothing left to lose. The truth is, I'm ashamed that it took metastasizing to give me the courage. I let that bastard frighten me into submission for so long. I was too scared to even tell you just once... how much you mean to me. How much I wanted to help you grow up.

: I wish you had. I might be a better man.

Pamela : The fact that you're here speaks volumes about the man that you are. Your mother would be proud.

: [Whispered] I really miss her.

: So do I.

Pamela reaches for Lex's hand and he takes it.

Act 4 Scene 3

Chloe and Clark sit in the Talon. Day.

Chloe : I just spoke to Justin's parents.

: How's he doing?

Chloe : He's in the psychiatric ward. The police don't really know what to charge him with, but at least he won't hurt anybody. So, should we do the "I told you so" part, or is my perennial bad judgment implicit?

Clark : Chloe, I wish I were wrong.

Chloe : What is it with me? I can spot Wall of Weird material from a mile away, but put it right in front of me and I'm oblivious.

Clark : You're not oblivious, you're trusting. You're strong enough to take risks with your emotions. I wish I were as brave as you. I still have those two tickets to the journalism convention. It would be a good chance for us to spend some time together.

: [Smiling] Okay, it's a date.

He smiles back and takes her hand. Lana watches from the bar with tears in her eyes. Whitney enters and she goes to him.

: Whitney, we need to talk. [She sees that he is crying] What is it? What happened?

Whitney : It's my dad.

Act 4 Scene 4

We see Whitney's mother place a bouquet of white flowers on a coffin in the cemetery. Day.

It is raining and we see Whitney standing behind her under an umbrella. Across from them are Clark, Pete, Martha, Jonathan, and Chloe, along with other attendees of the funeral. Whitney takes his mother into his arms as they both cry. A priest reads from a book. Lana comforts Whitney and Clark watches. Chloe sees him watching.

Whitney walks his mother to the limo and Lana follows. Clark stands behind in the rain, watching her. She turns around and looks at him. Chloe walks away as Clark and Lana share a long look, eventually broken when Lana sadly walks away. Clark turns away, and walks through the cemetery with his head bowed.


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