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#116 : Pensées Secrètes

Résumé : Les Kent recueillent Ryan, un jeune garçon capable de lire dans les pensées de tous les gens qu'il croise. Il découvre ainsi le secret de Clark et le supplie de l'aider à échapper à ses parents adoptifs, qui se servent de ses pouvoirs à des fins criminelles.


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Pensées Secrètes

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Photo de l'épisode #1.16

Photo de l'épisode #1.16

Photo de l'épisode #1.16

Photo de l'épisode #1.16

Photo de l'épisode #1.16

Photo de l'épisode #1.16

Photo de l'épisode #1.16

Photo de l'épisode #1.16

Photo de l'épisode #1.16

Photo de l'épisode #1.16

Photo de l'épisode #1.16

Photo de l'épisode #1.16

Photo de l'épisode #1.16

Photo de l'épisode #1.16

Photo de l'épisode #1.16

Photo de l'épisode #1.16

Photo de l'épisode #1.16

Photo de l'épisode #1.16

Photo de l'épisode #1.16

Photo de l'épisode #1.16

Plus de détails

Guest-stars :

→ John Glover dans le rôle de Lionel Luthor
Ryan Kelley dans le rôle de Ryan James
→ Rekha Sharma dans le rôle du Dr. Harden
 Brandy Ledford dans le rôle de Joanne
→ Courtney Kramer dans le rôle de Skye
Jim Shield dans le rôle de James Gibson
Bill Finck dans le rôle du Propriétaire de la Maison de Prêt
Joe Maffei dans le rôle du Portier
Jayme Knox dans le rôle de la Tante de Ryan
Shelley Adam dans le rôle de l'Employée de bureau de l'Hôpital


 Indiscrétions : 

On apprend que Lex a eu un frère qui est mort le jour de son baptême.

Le nom du bowling où se réfugie Ryan s'appelle "Lois Lanes".

Le titre de la chanson de la dernière scène s'intitule "Superman" et est interprétée par Five for Fighting.

Le titre original de l'épisode s'intitule "Stray" qui signifie chien abandonné. A un moment donné, parlant de Ryan, Jonathan dit à Martha qu'elle a toujours eu un faible pour les chiens abandonnés.

Quelque part, Ryan James essaie de mettre en gage une petite figurine d'ange. Il marchande avec le prêteur, mais Ryan le touche en lui disant que sa mère le lui a donné peu avant sa mort. Touché par cette nouvelle, le prêteur accepte son offre, va dans son coffre et compose le code d'accès de sécurité.

Sur le parking, Ryan monte dans la voiture de James et Debra Burch, ses beaux-parents. Il est réticent, mais il leur dit la combinaison du coffre-fort et leur demande de ne pas oublier sa figurine. Pendant que les beaux-parents sortent de la voiture avec un fusil de chasse, Ryan les suit et est horrifiée de les voir abattre le vieil homme. Il s'enfuit à l'aveuglette dans les bois et ses beaux-parents l'aperçois en train de fuir. Il se retrouve sur une route peu éclairée et est frappé de plein fouet par la voiture de Martha. Alarmée, Martha recueille Ryan et le conduit à l'hôpital. La voiture partie, James et Debra arrivent trop tard sur la route.




Au Centre médical de Smallville, le Dr. Harden informe les Kent que Ryan ne dispose que de légères blessures. Le jeune garçon prétend ne connaître que son nom, et personne n'a retrouvé ses parents. Elle leur dit aussi qu'il a des blessures qui ne sont pas liées à l'accident de voiture. Le Dr. Harden leur dit que les recherchent reprendront le lendemain et que Ryan devra être transporter dans un endroit pour les jeunes. Martha trouve que cette idée est traumatisante pour un enfant. Clark propose que Ryan vienne vivre chez eux quelques temps. Martha et Jonathan approuvent. Le Dr. Harden leur dit que c'est possible, mais qu'elle doit en parlant avant.

Le lendemain matin, les Kent descendent prendre leur petit-déjeuner préparé par Ryan, qui procède à deviner exactement, comment ils aiment leurs crêpes, mais il ne peut pas deviner pour Clark. Jonathan lui demande pourquoi il était sur la route à une heure tardive, mais Ryan ment en leur disant qu'il ne se souvient pas, et pense par la même occasion qu'ils ne le croient pas. Il quitte la table brusquement.

Plus tard, Clark le retrouve sur le tracteur en train de lire sa bande dessinée préférée, «Warrior Angel». Ryan dit à Clark qu'il a peur que ses parents ne l'aime pas s'ils découvrent ce qu'il a fait avant qu'ils qu'ils le recueillent. Clark tente de lui faire changer les idées en voulant lui apprendre à jouer au basket. Pendant ce temps, Jonathan et Martha les regardent jouer. Martha dit à Jonathan que si Clark avait eu un frère ou une sœur, peut être que ça aurait été moins lourd à porter son secret, s'il le partageait.

À l'hôpital, James Gibson arrive en tant que détective privé étant à la recherche d'un garçon perdu. Il demande Ryan et apprend qu'il n'est plus là. Il repart en compagnie de Debra.

Au même moment, Lex reçoit la visite surprise de son père, Lionel, qui complimente son travail sur les bénéfices de l'usine LuthorCorp à Smallville. Il propose à Lex une nouvelle position à Métropolis en tant que conseiller spécial du président (lui-même). Lex ne veut pas sauter sur l'occasion, mais il promet d'y réfléchir.

Clark amène Ryan à la Torch. Chloé compare l'histoire de Ryan à celle de Kaspar Hauser, un conte populaire allemand d'un garçon qui semblait sortir du bois et a finalement été revendiqué par tous les parents qui ont perdu un enfant. Elle termine abruptement l'histoire avant de révéler la triste fin, mais Ryan finit de la raconter pour elle. Elle le regarde étrangement, surprise qu'il connaisse apparemment la fin.

Quand elle est hors de portée, Ryan dit à Clark que Chloé l'aime beaucoup et qu'elle veut l'inviter au bal du printemps. Il lui dit aussi qu'elle a choisi une robe rose. Clark est sceptique en entendant ça, car il sait que ça ne ressemble pas à Chloé de porter une robe rose.

Ensuite, Clark emmène Ryan au Talon et trouve Lana et Lex. Lex informe Ryan qu'il possède la collection entière de Warrior Angel et que s'il le veut il pourra venir la voir. Ryan semble peu motivé par l'invitation. Lex le voit et part. Une fois que Lex est partie, Clark lui demande pourquoi il a été si désagréable avec Lex, mais Ryan lui dit que Lex va quitter Smallville pour retourner à Métropolis, où son père lui offre un emploi. Clark lui dit d'arrêter de faire des histoires sur les gens et le laisse seul pendant une minute. Alors qu'il lit, Ryan voit James dans le café et s'enfuit du Talon en courant.

Sur le parking arrière du Talon, Ryan se sauve tandis que son beau-père arrive et le poursuit. Ryan se glisse dans une benne à ordures. Au Talon, Clark demande à Lana si elle a vu Ryan. Elle lui répond qu'elle l'a vu quitter le Talon en courant. Clark arrive dans l'allée et est horrifié de voir qu'il est ramassé par un camion de poubelles. Il entend la voix de Ryan appelant au secours et se précipite sur le côté de la benne à ordures et arrache une attache du camion permettant de sauver Ryan.

Cette nuit-là, Lex rend visite à Clark dans son loft et Clark lui demande s'il n'a jamais voulu un frère. Lex dit à Clark qu'il en avait un, nommé Julian, mais qu'il est mort comme un enfant. Il dit aussi que sa mère n'a plus jamais été le même. Il annonce également que son père lui offre un emploi, mais qu'il ne sait pas s'il le veut. Clark lui demande s'il a mis Ryan au courant, mais est surpris quand Lex affirme ne pas l'avoir dit à Ryan et qu'il est le seul pour l'instant à qui il en parle.

Le lendemain, Jonathan et Ryan quitte la ferme sous la surveillance de ses beaux-parents.

Jonathan amène Ryan au Talon et le récompense pour son aide. Avant leur départ, Ryan informe Lana que sa serveuse vol de l'argent dans sa caisse.

Clark et Chloé, pendant ce temps, enquête à l'endroit où Martha a renversé Ryan et cherchent des indices sur son identité. Pendant la fouille, Clark demande à Chloé à propos de la robe rose et elle confirme à contrecœur, mais soutient qu'elle n'a pas réellement acheté la robe. Elle l'a juste vue dans une vitrine. Ensuite, ils trouvent le sac à dos de Ryan, et Chloé plaisante au sujet de son contenu, à savoir : des gâteau, une bande dessinée. Clark va plus loin et trouve une photo de Ryan et sa mère.

À la ferme, tandis que Martha fait une tarte aux pommes, Ryan lui pose des questions au sujet de Clark et des Kent. Ne souhaitant pas qu'il pose trop de questions, elle l'envoie jouer dehors. Il quitte la cuisine en prenant une pomme.

À l'extérieur de la ferme, alors qu'il marche, Clark voit que la cave est ouverte. Il s'y précipite et trouve Ryan, qui regarde son vaisseau spatial. Clark est en colère et lui demande comment il a découvert l'endroit. Ryan lui avoue sa capacité à lire dans les pensées des gens et lui dit que c'est comme ça qu'il a su pour son vaisseau. Clark est complètement déboussolé, mais Ryan promet d'en parler à personne. Il commence à pleurer tandis que Clark lui parle de la photo. Ryan lui explique que sa mère est morte et que ses beaux-parents ont abusés de lui et lui font faire des choses comme voler. Il dit qu'il veut retrouver une meilleure vie avec les Kent.

Le soir suivant, Debra arrive à la maison Kent se faisant passer pour une personne qui s'occupe des enfants. Ryan lui ouvre la porte et tente de la refermer aussi vite. Mais elle est plus rapide. Elle lui dit que s'il parle elle n'hésitera pas à tuer les Kent sauf s'il joue le jeu. Jonathan et Martha arrivent et Jonathan commence à lui dire que Ryan est sujet de maltraitance. Mais Debra lui assure une bonne protection. Elle ordonne à Ryan de partir au plus vite, car ils n'ont pas beaucoup de temps. Ryan leur dit au revoir, malgré lui et Martha lui dit de téléphoner s'il a besoin.

Après que Ryan soit parti, Lex arrive pour donner un cadeau à Clark : une épée d'escrime, appelé une feuille. Il s'aperçoit que Clark est triste du départ de Ryan. Clark pense que c'est un cadeau d'adieu, mais Lex lui explique qu'il n'a pas encore pris sa décision. Il remonte dans sa limousine et se rend à Métropolis pour dîner avec son père.

Sur la route, la limousine s'arrête rapidement et Lex demande à son chauffeur de continuer. La portière s'ouvre brusquement, et Ryan suivi de James Gibson montent à l'arrière. Debra conduit.

Gibson demande à Ryan de pirater le compte de Lex avec un ordinateur portable. Il dit qu'il a déjà le numéro de compte de ses fonds d'affectation spéciale et demande à Lex le mot de passe. Ryan lit l'esprit de Lex et obtient le mot de passe, en disant que c'est «Julian». Il vide ensuite le compte Lex, qui est par la suite, jeter hors de la voiture.

Chloé rend visite à Clark et lui montre le casier de James Gibson. Clark le reconnaît : il l'a vu un peu plus tôt dans la soirée et qu'il était le chauffeur de la limousine de Lex. Il part en super-vitesse, s'assurant que Chloé ne le voit pas et trouve Lex sur le bord de la route.

Les Gibson s'arrêtent à une piste de bowling et James pirate le compte de Lex avec l'ordinateur. James est furieux lorsque le mot de passe ne fonctionne pas et menace Ryan. Debra veut tuer Ryan, mais il lui dit que James va la tuer une fois qu'ils obtiendra l'argent. James tente de la faire réagir en lui disant qu'il essaye de la monter contre lui, mais elle se rend compte que Ryan n'a jamais menti auparavant. Encore plus furieux, il tue Debra, puis Ryan se rend dans le Bowling. James le poursuit à nouveau et apercevant quelques chose bouger derrière les quilles, il jette des boules. Clark arrive et utilise sa vision à rayons X, et trouve James et Ryan. Il jette une boule de bowling et frappe en plein fouet, James dans la poitrine. Clark lui dit qu'il est en sécurité.

Au Manoir, Lex informe Lionel qu'il ne veut pas revenir à Métropolis et refuse son offre d'emploi.

Clark emmène à nouveau Ryan au Talon afin qu'il puisse dire au revoir à Lana, qui lui donne un baiser d'adieu. Tout ému, il est complètement retourné. Lana le remercie pour lui l'avoir avertie sur sa serveuse et qu'elle l'a renvoyée.

Plus tard, à la ferme, la tante de Ryan, qui vit à Edge City, vient le chercher. Ryan donne sa collection de Warrior Angel à Clark et l'avertit de nouveau sur Lex. Clark lui dit qu'il faut laisser le temps faire les choses. Les Kent regardent partir Ryan avec sa tante, tous visiblement attristés par le départ.


Ecrit par adri280891  

Act 1 Teaser

A pawn shop. Night. The clerk studies a small angel figurine as a boy watches.

Ryan : How much will you give me for it?

Clerk : Fifty bucks.

Ryan : It's made out of gold.

Clerk : Who told you that?

Ryan : My mother.

Clerk : Tell her it's a fake.

Ryan : I can't. She's dead.

Clerk : Oh... I'll give you sixty bucks.

He goes to the safe and turns the combination lock. The boy gets a look of concentration on his face.

Cut to the boy running out of the shop and getting into a truck with a man and woman.

Man : So what's the deal?

Ryan : I told you I don't want to do this anymore.

Pulls a comic book out of his bag and starts reading.

: Oh, this is our last job.

Ryan : Liar.

Man : [Grabs the comic book away from him] We're all you got, kid. Now tell me the combination.

: 45-13-29.

Man : Good boy. [Tosses the book back to him. They watch the shop as the clerk flips the Closed sign] Okay, you know the drill, right? Let's do this.

: Get the bag. Let's go.

Ryan : Don't forget my angel.

The man and woman put on masks and the man cocks a shotgun as they get out of the truck and head for the shop. When they go inside, the boy grabs his bag and runs to the window of the shop.

Clerk : What's going on here? Hey! Who are you people?

The man points the gun at the clerk and shoots.

: No! Oh, my God! Is he dead?

The boy runs away.

: Let's go! [They come outside and see the boy running] Where's he going? Go! [They chase him into the woods] Ryan!

Ryan, runs out of the woods and into the street and in front of a car. The car doesn't stop in time and Ryan is hit. Martha gets out and goes to him.

Martha : Oh, my God! Are you all right? Are you all right?

Ryan : [Sitting up] I lost my shoe.

: I'm taking you to the hospital. Come on.

The man and woman run into the street as Martha and Ryan drive away. The man picks up Ryan's shoe as they watch the car go.

[Opening credits]

Act 1 Scene 1

We see Ryan through the window of a hospital room. Night. Clark, Martha, Jonathan, and a doctor talk outside.

Dr. Hardin
: He checks out physically. Just scrapes and bruises.

Jonathan : Have you managed to contact his parents yet?

Dr. Hardin
: Other than knowing his name, Ryan claims to have no memory.

: Are you saying he has amnesia?

Dr. Hardin
: True amnesia is extremely rare. It's most likely post-traumatic shock. [Clark smiles and waves at Ryan, who waves back] His memory will probably return within 24 to 48 hours.

Clark : What if it doesn't?

Dr. Hardin : Martha, Jonathan. [She leads them a few feet away from Clark] It's unlikely all Ryan's cuts and bruises were caused by the accident.

Martha : You think he's been abused?

Dr. Hardin : He may not want to remember.

: What will happen to him?

Dr. Hardin : We've called Child Services, but they're understaffed and can't come out until tomorrow at the earliest. So the only place for Ryan to stay is at the juvenile cell at the sheriff's station.

: That's no place for a child.

: Why can't he come home with us?

Martha : That's a great idea.

: Can we do that?

Dr. Hardin : I'll have to make some calls, but I don't see why not. It'd be a big help to us and I'm sure Ryan would appreciate it.

Act 1 Scene 2

Martha enters the Kents' dining room and sees the table full of food. Day.

Martha : Clark?

Ryan : [Enters with a pitcher of orange juice] It's me, Mrs. Kent.

Martha : Ryan, did you do all this?

Ryan : I hope you don't mind. I couldn't sleep.

Jonathan enters.

Jonathan : Hey, what's the occasion?

Ryan : I wanted to make myself useful. Thanks for letting me stay here.

: Hey, you can stay as long as you want. Maybe some of you will rub off on Clark.

Ryan : What does everybody want? Let me guess. [To Martha as he prepares the meal] Pancakes, with powdered sugar, not syrup.

Hands her the plate.

Martha : How did you know that?

Ryan : I saw you eyeing them when you came in. [Jonathan clears his throat] Scrambled eggs, bacon, coffee with milk and a little bit of honey.

: Well, that is some trick there, kiddo.

Clark enters.

: Hey, Mom.

Martha : Hey.

Clark : Going all out for the new kid, huh?

: Actually, Clark, Ryan took care of all this himself.

Clark : [To Ryan] You're making me look bad.

Ryan : What do you want for breakfast? [Clark doesn't answer] Don't you want anything, Clark?

: I'm just gonna have some pancakes.

Ryan gives Clark a confused look.

Martha : Ryan, you okay? [He nods]

Jonathan : Ryan, are you sure you don't remember anything about last night? You see, 'cause I still can't figure out why you were out on Route 90 at ten o'clock at night.

Ryan : I said I don't remember. I'm not hiding anything.

Ryan gets up to leave the room.

Clark : No one said you were, buddy.

Act 1 Scene 3

Ryan sits outside the house near the basketball hoop reading his comics. Day. Clark comes out with a basketball.

Ryan : Guess your parents want me to leave now.

Clark : Why would you think that?

Ryan : Because they don't believe me.

Clark : We just want to help you get home.

Ryan : What if I don't have a home? What if you found out I did bad things? What would happen to me then?

Clark : Ryan, everything's gonna work out. I know it. You like comics?

Ryan : I like this one.

Clark : [Reading] "Warrior Angel." Why him?

Ryan : Because he protects people who can't protect themselves. I like being around you, Clark. Its... peaceful.

Clark : Why don't you get your head out of that comic and play a little ball?

Clark dribbles the ball and makes a basket. He hands the ball to Ryan who shoots and misses.

Ryan : I know what you're thinking. I really suck.

Clark : Nothing a little practice can't cure. [Gives Ryan the ball] Go ahead. Get your hand up. Keep your elbow straight. Just guide the ball with your fingers.

Ryan makes the shot.

Ryan : Yeah!

Clark : He shoots, he scores! Nice!

Act 1 Scene 4

The man from the robbery enters the hospital. Day.

Man : [To a nurse] Excuse me.

Nurse : Yes?

Man : I'm looking for the boy from the paper. You know, the one who lost his memory.

Nurse : And you are?

Man : Private detective. I work for a couple who lost their son. Is Ryan still around?

Nurse : No. But if you just wait, I'll get Dr. Hardin. I know she'd like to speak with you.

She walks away. The man goes around the corner where the woman from the robbery is waiting and leads her away.

Act 1 Scene 5

Martha watches Clark and Ryan playing basketball and laughing. Day.

Jonathan : That's a great sound isn't it?

: Yeah, it is. Do you ever think we made the wrong decision not adopting another child? Maybe sharing his secret with a younger brother would have helped. He seems to really like Ryan.

Jonathan : I don't think he's the only one. You always had a soft spot for strays.

Martha : The last one turned out all right.

They continue to watch.

Act 1 Scene 6

Lionel bursts through the door of Lex's study. Day.

Lex : I thought you were still in Monaco.

Lionel : Ah, the backbone of surprise is fusing speed with secrecy.

: Von Clausewitz, "On War." [Lionel chuckles] Isn't that a little 80s, Dad? Even for you?

: I never give my plant managers a heads-up before a spot inspection.

: What could you possibly have to complain about now? The plant's doing well. LuthorCorp stock is up.

Lionel : I'm not here to complain, Lex. On the contrary, your performance lately has been... more than adequate.

Lex : That sounds dangerously like a compliment.

Lionel : I push you, Lex. I don't deny it. Greatness is a rarefied air one has to be taught to breathe. You know, Philip of Macedonia raised his son among lions to instill fearless ness in him.

Lex : Didn't he also try to impale the kid with a spear?

Lionel : In an aborted coup attempt, but history remembers that boy as Alexander the great.

: You didn't come all this way to lecture me on Greek history again.

Lionel : No. I want you to come back to Metropolis where you will hold the position Special Advisor to the Chairman Emeritus. That would be me.

Lex : At least the title sounds important.

Lionel : It's more than a title, it's an opportunity. It's what you've been waiting for, ever since you came to Smallville.

Lex : I'll think about it.

Lionel : [Chuckles] You want to keep me dangling so it looks like you're granting me a favor instead of receiving one? We don't need to play games, son.

Lex : Dad. Games are all we've got.

Act 1 Scene 7

Chloe, Clark, and Ryan at the Torch. Day. Ryan is looking at the Wall of Weird.

Chloe : Wow. You're like a modern-day Kaspar Hauser.

Ryan : Who's that?

: Don't worry. Chloe's the queen of obscure and irrelevant references.

Chloe : He's a kid from the 19th century with amnesia. He showed up in a German town one day without a memory of who he was. All he could remember was his name. How's that for irrelevant?

Ryan : What happened to him?

: Well, his story spread throughout Europe and people came from all over to see if he was their missing child. Some people even thought he was the lost son of the Grand Duke.

Ryan : Did he ever find his parents?

Chloe : You know... Yeah, he did. Um, he found his parents and they lived happily ever after.

Ryan : Why didn't you just say he was murdered?

Chloe : How'd you... know that?

: You know, why don't we take that picture?

Ryan : What picture? You're not putting me on that freak wall, are you?

: It's called the Wall of Weird, and no. This picture's just to check against missing persons. [She takes his picture] Okay, I'm gonna go download this. I'll be there in a sec.

Chloe goes to the computer.

Ryan : [Quietly] She likes you.

Clark : Yeah, we're friends.

Ryan : She wants to be more than just friends. I think she wants you to ask her to the prom.

Clark : Chloe? Yeah, right.

Ryan : No, really. She already picked out a dress. It's pink.

: Ryan, you just met Chloe and she hates dresses and she's not exactly the prom type.

: Well, maybe she has a romantic side you never knew about.

Clark : Or maybe my mom hit you harder than I thought.

: [Walks back with the camera] Let's get a picture of my boys.

Act 1 Scene 8

Clark and Lana at the Talon. Day. Ryan is seated away from them at the bar reading a comic book.

Lana : So, how does it feel having a little brother type figure in you life?

: It's pretty cool.

Lana : I always dreamed of having a brother or sister. You know, someone to talk to, help fill the silence.

Clark : Someone you could totally trust and would always be there for you?

Lana : It's just how I see you, Clark.

Clark : Thanks.

Lex enters and sees Ryan's comic.

: "Warrior Angel." I'm a fan myself. You must be Ryan. I'm--

Ryan : Lex Luthor. Clark told me all about you.

Lex : You know, I have one of the--

: Original first-edition panels framed in your house.

Lex : How'd you know that?

Ryan : You're rich. That's what rich people do. Collect stuff.

: I see you've met Ryan.

Lex : Apparently, we're both big "Warrior Angel" fans.

Clark : I didn't know you liked comic books.

Lex : A strange visitor from another planet who protects the weak. When I was young, he was my idol. Not to mention the fact he's bald. I have the whole collection.

: Maybe I can bring Ryan by later and we can check it out.

Lex : Yeah.

: Would you like that, buddy?

Ryan : Whatever.

Lex : Whatever. [Walks away]

Clark : That was kind of rude. Lex is my friend.

: Don't worry about him. He's going to leave. Lex's father offered him a new job.

: You don't know Lex's father. He would never do that. You have to stop making up stories about people. I'll see you in a minute.

Clark walks away. Ryan looks at his comic and sees a picture of Warrior Angel ripping through a wall and saying "You're safe now." Ryan turns around and sees the man from the robbery watching him. He runs out of the Talon. The man follows him into an alley.

Cut to inside the Talon.

Clark : Ryan?

Lana : Ryan just took off out the back. He looked scared, Clark.

Back to the alley. The man is looking for Ryan who is hiding in a dumpster. Clark comes out.

Clark : Ryan?

The man leaves as a garbage truck drives up and picks up the dumpster to empty it. Ryan falls into the back of the truck and it starts to compact.

: Help! Help! Help!

Clark looks through the truck with x-ray vision and sees Ryan inside. He super speeds to the truck and pulls a hose out of the side, stopping Ryan from being crushed. He rips open the side of the truck and looks in.

Clark : You're safe now.

Fade to black.

Act 2 Scene 1

Clark is working in the loft. Night. Lex enters.

: Clark. Where's your young sidekick?

Clark : Sleeping.

Lex : He thinks you're his big brother.

Clark : Yeah, well, I guess I am. Till tomorrow.

Lex : Kid's growing on ya.

: You know how it is. Being an only child, no one else around. Don't you ever wish you had a sibling?

Lex : I have one, Clark.

: Really? I didn't know.

Lex : When I was eleven, my mother got pregnant again. It was a total surprise. I'd never seen my father happier. The day Julian was born was the only time I felt like I was part of a real family.

: What happened?

Lex : The morning of his baptism, my mother went to his nursery, found him in his crib. He had stopped breathing. My mother was never the same after that and my father got even more distant. I think he saw Julian as his second chance. A chance for him to have a son he could truly love.

Clark : I'm sorry.

Lex : It's in the past, Clark. We would have ended up hating each other anyway. My father would've seen to that. But I didn't come over to recount my family's tragic history. My father's offered me a chance to return to Metropolis.

Clark : Did you tell Ryan about that?

Lex : I haven't told anyone, Clark.

Clark : Well, that's what you always wanted.

Lex : I used to think it was. Now, I'm not so sure. I was a different person there, a different person around my father. He wants an answer tomorrow night. We're having dinner in Metropolis.

Clark : If anyone can choose who they want to be, Lex, it's you.

Act 2 Scene 2

Lana is working at the Talon. Day. Jonathan and Ryan enter.

Jonathan : Knock, knock.

Lana : Mr. Kent. This is a surprise.

: Yeah. Ryan's been doing chores with me all day, so I figured he deserved a break. I'd like a cup of coffee, give him whatever he wants, and if you can point me to the phone, I'll see if Martha wants anything.

Lana : All right. It's in the back.

Jonathan : All right. Enjoy.

He walks away.

Lana : So, how are you feeling today?

Ryan : Much better. Thanks.

Lana : Good.

Ryan : Do you think it's okay if friends have secrets?

Lana : Strange question. Why do you ask?

Ryan : Because I think Clark's hiding something from me.

Lana : Everybody has secrets, Ryan.

Ryan : Really? What's yours?

: If I told you, then it wouldn't be a secret.

Ryan : I guess you're right.

A waitress walks up and takes a tray of glasses form the bar.

Lana : Thanks, Skye. You're a lifesaver.

Skye : You're welcome.

Lana : [To Ryan] Why the frown?

Ryan : She's not a good person, Lana. You should fire her.

Lana : Ryan. Why would you say something like that?

: Because it's the truth.

Lana : How do you know?

: It's a secret.

Act 2 Scene 3

Jonathan and Ryan drive up at the Kents' home. Day. The man and woman from the robbery watch from their truck.

: It looks like Ryan's found himself a new family. [He looks at a newspaper with a picture of Lex on the front page] It's time to get back to work.

: When do we get the kid?

Man : When we're ready.

Act 2 Scene 4

Clark and Chloe on the road near the woods. Day.

Clark : My mom hit him somewhere around here. Thanks for helping with the clue hunt.

Chloe : And help solve the riddle of Ryan? It's my pleasure.

Clark : It really is a riddle. I'm starting to think he may not have amnesia.

Chloe : Clark, the kid adores you. Why would he lie?

: Because he's running from somebody.

: I found something. [She picks up a backpack from the side of the road and they look through it] We got comic books and Twizzlers. Something every growing boy needs.

Clark looks closely at the bag and opens a hidden compartment in the bottom. He pulls out a picture as Chloe gives him a strange look.

Clark : What? That's where I would hide something.

Chloe : If you were a CIA operative. [The picture is of Ryan and a woman] Who do you think it is?

Clark : I don't know. Mom? Aunt?

Chloe : The mystery deepens. I still can't figure out how he knew that Kaspar Hauser was murdered.

Clark : Well, you weren't exactly wearing a poker face. Ryan does say weird things. I mean, he even said that you wanted me to ask you to prom and that you'd already bought a dress. [Chloe stops walking] It's not pink is it?

Chloe : Uh... okay, I-I, you know, I was just looking at it. It's not like I actually bought it.

: How would Ryan know that?

: I don't know. Maybe he's an alien or maybe he called Miss Cleo. You know, I don't know.

Act 2 Scene 5

Ryan sits with Martha as she peels apples in the kitchen. Day.

Ryan : Clark's the best thing that's ever happened to you, isn't he?

Martha : Yeah, he is.

Ryan : He makes up for not being able to have your own kids.

Martha : He does.

Ryan : Has he always been so strong?

Martha : What do you mean?

Ryan : The way he tore off the back panel of the garbage truck and saved me.

Martha : Don't be silly. He couldn't do that.

Ryan : If you say so. What's your greatest fear?

: That I won't get this pie done by the time you have to leave. Why don't you go outside and shoot some hoops?

Ryan goes.

Cut to Clark outside, working on the farm. He sees the door to the storm cellar is open and goes inside. Ryan is there looking at the spaceship.

Clark : What are you doing down here?

: Clark... don't be mad.

: How'd you know about this?

Ryan : I read about it in your mom's mind. I wanted to see it for myself.

Clark : Can you hear everything people think?

Ryan : Only what's on the surface, what they're thinking at that moment. Except for you. I can't read your mind. That's how I knew you were different. Now I know why.

Clark : I can't believe you'd do this.

Ryan : I'll never tell. You keep my secret, I'll keep yours.

Clark : It's not that simple.

: Sure it is. I know your dad's always worried that people are gonna find out. I can tell him when someone's getting close. I told you about Chloe. I can tell you about Lana. You want to know her secret?

: No. No, Ryan. I don't.

Ryan : Why not? It's about you.

Clark : Look, you can't do this.

Ryan : You don't understand what it's like to be different. What it's like to have to hide so people don't think you're a freak. Everywhere I go, I hear people's thoughts. I can't block it out anymore.

Clark : [Takes the picture out of his pocket] Is this your mother?

Ryan : [Nods] She died.

Clark : Why didn't you tell me?

: I was hoping I could start over with your family. They were so nice. I wanted them to adopt me like they did you. So I'd be safe.

Clark : Who's chasing you?

Ryan : My stepfather and his new wife. They've been using me, my abilities... to steal. I wanted to stop. They threatened me. They hit me. [A tear runs down his cheek] You have to protect me, Clark. You're the only one that can.

Clark hugs him.

Fade to black.

Act 3 Scene 1

Someone knocks on the Kents' door. Night.

Ryan : I'll get it.

He answers the door and it's his stepfather's wife. He tries to shut the door and she pushes her way in.

Woman : You say anything, and I'll kill them. [Shows her gun] You know I will. [Jonathan enters. To Ryan] Ah, so you must be Ryan.

Jonathan : Can I help you?

Woman : Mr. Kent. Child Services. I'm here to pick up Ryan.

Jonathan : Well, you're a little early aren't you? We weren't expecting you for an hour.

Woman : We can't thank you enough for taking Ryan in.

: It's our pleasure. He's welcome to stay longer.

Woman : Oh, I'm afraid that's impossible. I need to put him in foster care. That's the law.

Martha : [To Ryan] Well, let's get your stuff.

: Uh, we think Ryan might be running away from his stepfather so we alerted the police.

Woman : Don't worry, we'll keep him safe. [Ryan and Martha reenter] Ready to go?

: Oh, could he wait and say goodbye to our son Clark? He'll be home any minute.

Woman : Oh, I'm sorry.

: It's okay, Mrs. Kent. Just tell him thanks.

: If you need anything just call us, okay?

Martha hugs him.

Act 3 Scene 2

Clark comes home and sees Jonathan standing outside. Night.

Clark : Dad? What's wrong?

: Child Services came and took Ryan away about 15 minutes ago.

: What? Why didn't he wait for me? I wanted to say goodbye.

Jonathan : I don't know, son. They said they were in a hurry. I'm sorry.

Jonathan goes inside as a limo drives up. Lex gets out holding a sheathed sword.

: On your way to Metropolis?

Lex : Yeah. The big dinner. I, uh, I wanted you to have something.

Lex hands the sword to Clark.

Clark : A sword?

: It's a foil, Clark. Every hero should have one.

Clark : I guess this means you've decided you're leaving.

Lex : I haven't made up my mind one way or the other.

Clark : If you haven't made up your mind, why are you giving me a going-away present?

Lex : Keep that away from the kid.

Clark : He's already gone.

Lex : I'm sorry. I know how much you liked him.

Clark : For what it's worth, I hope you stay.

Lex smiles and walks back to the limo. The driver opens the door for him and we see that he is Ryan's stepfather. They drive away.

Act 3 Scene 3

Lex is riding in the limo. Night. The driver pulls over on the side of the road.

Lex : Driver. Hey, what's going on? [The partition between the front and back seat goes up] Driver?

Lex's door opens and the stepfather's wife pushes Ryan into the car.

Woman : Inside. Come on! Get in.

She gets in the driver's seat as the stepfather gets in the back with a gun.

: Mr. Luthor.

: Ryan?

: Shut up! [He hits Lex in the chest with the gun. To woman] Okay, go! Go! [The car starts moving again] Getting the account number to your trust fund was easy. Now give me the password.

Lex : I don't know what you're talking about.

Man : Just tell me what it is, rich boy.

Lex : My father has it. I don't.

The man points to Ryan.

Ryan : [Sighs] He's lying.

: [Cocks the gun] The password. Now. [To Ryan] You got it?

Ryan nods.

Act 3 Scene 4

Clark swings the foil through the air in the loft. Night. Chloe enters.

Chloe : Hey, Zorro, what's with the sword?

Clark : It's a foil.

Chloe : I'm guessing it's a gift from out favorite millionaire playboy.

Clark : He's thinking of moving back to Metropolis.

Chloe : Well, I'm still here, Clark. I'm not going anywhere. Um, sources at the sheriff's office have given me a heads-up on Ryan's Step-dad.

Clark : You have sources?

Chloe : Yeah. A cute officer in traffic. I talk my way out of a speeding ticket. He told me I was plucky. Maybe I'll ask him to prom. Um, so Ryan's step-dad is a real catch. He's a career criminal.

She shows Clark a mug shot.

Clark : This is Lex's limo driver.

Cut to Lex being pushed out of the moving limo.

Man : [Looking at a laptop] Give me the password. [Ryan doesn't answer] Don't make me ask again.

Ryan : It's Julian.

We see Lex lying in the street and Clark super speeds to his side.

Clark : Lex? You okay?

Lex : Yeah, I think so.

Clark : Which way did they go?

Lex : Straight down Route 90. Clark, they've got Ryan. Get some help.

Clark runs away and after looking back to make sure Lex isn't watching, he super speeds out of sight.

Cut to the limo pulling up outside a closed bowling alley. The woman gets out and Ryan's stepfather pushes him out.

Man : Torch the limo, baby. [He takes the laptop from Ryan] Give me that. Julian, Julian. [He types it in, then grabs Ryan by his coat] Give me the real password! Don't mess with me!

Ryan : I'm not gonna tell you!

Woman : [Points her gun at Ryan] I swear to God, I'll drop him right now!

Ryan : [To the woman] Once he gets the money, he's gonna kill you!

: Don't listen to him. He's talking trash to pull us apart. We're just about to hit the jackpot, baby. All we gotta do is trust each other.

Woman : You know, this kid has always freaked me out. But the one thing I'll say bout him is he never lied.

Man : [Pushes Ryan away] You know what? That's true. [Grabs his gun and points it at her] He didn't. [He shoots her. Ryan runs to the blowing alley and goes inside as a janitor is coming out] Ryan!

Janitor : Hey, kid, where are you going?

Ryan : Call the police!

Ryan's stepfather shoots the janitor and follows Ryan in. Inside, Ryan runs down one of the lanes and hides behind the pins.

Man : Ryan! You can't hide forever!

Fade to black.

Act 4 Scene 1

The bowling alley. Night.

Man : [Yelling to Ryan who is still hiding] You know, your mother really hated you! Couldn't stand having a freak for a son! Come to think of it, I wasn't that crazy about you either.

He rolls a ball down the lane and knocks over the pins Ryan's hiding behind. He crawls over to the next lane. His stepfather starts shooting at him and he continues to crawl. Clark runs up to the bowling alley with super speed. He sees the bodies and runs inside. Ryan is hiding between a set of gears by the pins and his stepfather finds him, cocks his gun, and points it at him. Clark looks through the wall with x-ray vision and he super speeds to a bowling ball. He picks it up and throws it. It crashes through the wall and hits Ryan's stepfather in the chest. Clark super speeds to where Ryan is hiding.

Ryan : Clark!

Clark : It's okay, buddy. [He helps Ryan out and they hug] You're safe now.

Act 4 Scene 2

Clark and Ryan enter the Talon where Lana is working. Day.

Clark : Hey, Lana.

: Hey.

Clark : Ryan would like to say goodbye.

Lana : Where are you going?

Ryan : Edge City.

Clark : Chloe's research turned up an aunt who lives there. She's coming by this afternoon.

Lana : I wanted to thank you for your advice on Skye. You were right. She was stealing form the till.

Lana kisses Ryan on the cheek.

Clark : Hey.

Ryan : Wow. Thank you.

Ryan goes to sit down.

Clark : I think you made his year. [Clark sits with Ryan] So, you recover yet?

Ryan : I don't know. But I'm definitely in love.

Clark : [Looking at Lana] Join the club.

Act 4 Scene 3

Lex enters his study. Day. Lionel is already there.

Lionel : Shouldn't you be packing?

: I'm not going back to Metropolis.

Lionel : [Chuckles] Come on, Lex. That's all you've wanted since I assigned you to what you so eloquently refer to as "the crap factory."

: I know why you want me back. I'm driving you crazy, aren't I? I'm not clubbing till 6 A.M., not getting arrested. I'm on track. That's what scares you. You want me back where you can keep an eye on me.

Lionel : You're making a mistake, Lex.

Lex : You know what those emperors you're so fond of talking about were really afraid of? That their sons would become successful and return to Rome at the head of their own army.

Lionel : You think you can find your future in Smallville? I'm your future. Join me, Lex. Join me in Metropolis. How long have you been waiting to hear my say those words?

Lex : I've waited to hear other things from you for a lot longer. I'll return to Metropolis when I'm ready.

: At the head of an army?

Act 4 Scene 4

Clark, Martha, Jonathan, and Ryan stand outside the house. Day.

Martha : We're really going to miss you, Ryan. It gets cold in Edge City, so I packed some of Clark's old jackets. Something for you to grow into.

: Thanks, Mrs. Kent.

Jonathan : You're welcome around here any time you want.

Ryan : I know what you're worried about, but don't be. I'll keep Clark's secret. I know what it's like to have to hide who you are from the world.

Ryan's aunt drives up.

Martha : There she is.

Clark : Are you sure you're gonna be all right?

Ryan : [Watching his aunt get out of the car] She's a nice person. She's just as nervous as I am. Are you sure you don't want to know how Lana feels about you?

Clark : I prefer to find out on my own.

Ryan : Clark, be careful of Lex. I know you like him, but there's a lot of darkness he keeps form the world. I've seen it in his head.

Clark : I like to believe in people's best.

: I want you to have something.

Ryan gives Clark his comics.

Clark : I can't take those.

Ryan : I don't need them anymore. I have you.

They hug.

Clark : See ya.

Ryan goes to his aunt and they hug tentatively. He waves as he gets in the car. They all wave back as they drive away.


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