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#117 : Cendres

Résumé : Clark affronte Tyler, qui a le pouvoir de réduire les gens en cendres en les touchant. Tyler se sert de son don pour faire cesser les souffrances de personnes âgées et malades. Il décide ainsi de tuer le père de Whitney, victime d'une nouvelle crise cardiaque. Mais Clark parvient à lui faire comprendre qu'il a tort d'agir ainsi et Tyler retourne alors son pouvoir contre lui...


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Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Photo de l'épisode #1.17

Plus de détails

Guest-stars :

→ John Glover dans le rôle de Lionel Luthor
Reynaldo Rosales dans le rôle de Tyler Randall
Jason Connery dans le rôle de Dominic Sanitori
 Sheyla Moore dans le rôle de Mme Sikes
→ Tiffany Knight dans le rôle de Rose Randall
→ Dale Wilson dans le rôle de George Fordman
→ Ralph Alderman dans le rôle de Hank Pond
→ Brian Drummond dans le rôle du Garde de Sécurité de l'Hôpital
→ Patrick Keating dans le rôle du Coroner
→ Tiffany Lyndall-Knight dans le rôle de l'Infirmière


 Indiscrétions : 

Le personnage de Dominic est apparu une première fois dans l'épisode 1.03 - Tête brûlée.

Le titre original "Reaper" fait référence à la Faucheuse (la Mort)

Un jeune homme vient rendre visite à sa mère mourante à l'hôpital. Elle lui demande à l'aider à mourir et fait une dernière demande : celle d'être enterré à Smallville. Il refuse catégoriquement à l'aider à mourir, mais sa mère à une raison plus convaincante de le forcer. S'il l'aime, il le fera pour elle. Malgré lui et sous les commandements de sa mère, il l'étouffe avec un oreiller, et lorsqu'une alarme se met à sonner, une infirmière entre avec un médecin, et voyant le jeune homme étouffer sa mère, elle demande que la sécurité vienne. Attristé et désemparé, Tyler Randall se débat pour échappé à la sécurité et tombe par la fenêtre de plus de 20 mètres. Un fragment de météorites s'incorpore dans son corps.

Plus tard, le coroner trouve le fragment de météorite du jeune homme coincé entre les os de son poignet et supprime la cause d'une aura verte. Juste avant qu'il ne commence à lui ouvrir le corps, Tyler attrape le bras du coroner qui se transforme en cendres. Tyler sort de la chambre.


Martha et Clark arrivent dans un centre pour des repas. Martha lui dit qu'elle est désolé de lui avoir gâché sa journée, mais Clark lui répond que ce n'est pas de venir qui l'embete, mais qu'il peut rien faire pour aider les personnes qui souffrent. Ensuite, ils en viennent à parler de la journée de peche que Jonathan et lui passe une fois par an. Il dit qu'il n'a plus envie d'y aller et que s'il y va c'est pour faire plaisir à son père. Hank Pond arrive et leur présente Tyler Randall, le nouveau bénévole. Il dit à Martha qu'il est à Smallville pour les funérailles de sa mère. Ensuite, il partent rendre visite à madame Sikes et son chien Pepper.

Madame Sikes est cloué au lit et dans la douleur. Aujourd'hui, les bénévoles lui apportent des iris. Lorsqu'ils arrivent chez elle, Pepper, le chien aboie sur Tyler. Clark dit à Tyler de ne pas s'inquiéter. Madame Sikes croit que Tyler est Clark, mais Martha lui dit que c'est un nouveau bénévole. Ensuite, madame Sikes commence à tousser et demande à Tyler de lui apporter de l'eau. Il retrousse ses gants de jardinier et donne le verre à madame Sikes. Elle lui dit qu'il est trop gentil. Juste avant qu'ils quitte la maison de madame Sikes, elle leur demande d'avoir des roses le lendemain.

Au Manoir des Luthor, Dominic Sanatori revient soi-disant pour effectuer une vérification. Lex devine que c'est son père qui l'envoie, lui et ses compagnons pour vérifier les comptes de Lex, car il est sûr que Lionel lui en veut de ne pas avoir accepté son offre de retourner à Métropolis.

Plus tard, Sanatori se rend à la ferme des Kent et demande à Jonathan s'il a une idée de pourquoi Lex a dépensé tant d'argent sur des recherches de son accident de voiture de l'automne dernier. Jonathan lui dit qu'il n'a pas été informé de cette histoire, et aussi qu'il n'est pas ravi de savoir que Lex s'est immiscé dans leur vie.

Au Talon, Lex rencontre Clark, et ce dernier lui parle de lui et de son père qui vont à la pêche chaque année, mais il a depuis grandi et n'a pas vraiment envie d'y aller une année de plus. Lex lui raconte que les seuls moments où il passe du temps avec son père, c'est dans les journeaux et rien de plus. Il n'a aucune photo d'eux en dehors du travail. Mais Lex lui offre deux places pour aller voir les Sharks de Métropolis comme un substitut à la sortie de pêche. Clark est content, car son père n'a pas raté un seul match cette saison. Lex est content. Pendant ce temps, Lana reçoit un appel : George Fordman a eu une autre crise cardiaque.

Clark et Lana rendent visite à monsieur Fordman à l'hôpital, mais Whitney n'est pas encore arrivé. Clark lui demande si elle a vu Whitney.

Lorsque Clark rentre chez lui, il trouve son père qui prépare la sortie de pêche. Il lui montre une canne à pêche et lui demande s'il s'en souvient. Clark lui répond que c'est sa première canne et que c'est avec celle-là qu'il s'entraînait. Clark lui demande s'il ne préférerait pas aller au match de foot à la place. Jonathan soupçonneux lui demande si c'est Lex qui lui a fourni les billets, et dit à Clark que Lex a fait une enquête à leur sujet. Mais quand il voit la tête que Clark fait après cette phrase, il est furieux qu'il ne l'ait pas dit plus tôt. Mais sans le vouloir, Clark explose et dit à son père qu'il n'est plus un gamin et que s'il y allait c'était uniquement pour lui. Ensuite, voyant qu'il y est aller trop loin, il lui dit que ce n'est pas comme ça qu'il voulait lui dire.

Tard dans la nuit, Tyler arrive à la maison de madame Sikes. Il est venu la soulager de ses souffrances. Alors qu'il marche, Pepper aboie comme d'habitude. Tyler apaise le chien pour toujours et donne à madame Sikes une rose blanche. Elle demande qui est là et Tyler lui répond que c'est lui. Il lui dit aussi qu'il est venu pour la soulager et que ce serait mieux pour elle. Il la prend par la main, et elle se transforme en cendres.

Le lendemain matin, avant que Clark ne parte au lycée, Martha tente d'encourager Clark d'arranger les choses avec son père. Mais Clark lui dit qu'il l'évite, alors, Martha, lui raconte ce qui s'est passé entre Jonathan et Hiram, son père. Elle lui dit que, quand Jonathan était jeune, ils ne se sont jamais adressé la parole et que le jour où son père est mort, il a regretté de ne pas lui avoir parlé. Elle finit par lui dire qu'elle n'aimerai pas que ça se reproduise.

Au lycée, Chloé annonce à Clark le décès de madame Sikes. Bien que l'histoire officielle soit qu'elle est morte dans un incendie, Chloé se penche sur la possibilité que sa mort a été faite par une combustion spontanée.

Au terrain de basket du lycée, Clark parle avec Whitney et apprend que son père lui a toujours promis d'être là le jour où il aurait son passage dans les Sharks de Métropolis. Whitney ne veut tout simplement pas voir son père si faible à l'hôpital. Il préfère se souvenir de lui comme un homme fort. Mais Clark le résonne en lui disant que lui , il préférerais voir son père et lui parler au lieu d'attendre.

Toujours au lycée, plus tard dans la journée, Chloé découvre un article dans le Daily Planet au sujet d'un coroner qui a été transformé en un tas de cendres. Elle décide avec Clark de passer chez madame Sikes pour enquêter.

Chez madame Sikes, ils ne voient aucun signe de dégâts de feu nulle part, à part sur le lit de la vieille dame. Cependant, Clark constate qu'il manque quelque chose comme un aboiement. Il cherche Pepper, mais il trouve seulement sa plaque d'identification au-dessus des cendres. Ils trouvent également une rose blanche dans un vase. Clark devine de suite.

Lex arrive à la ferme des Kent pour demander à Jonathan s'il va au match de dimanche. Jonathan lui dit qu'il ira à la pêche. Mais Jonathan change de conversation à propos de son enquête sur sa famille. Lex affirme qu'il était tout à fait honnête avec Clark à ce sujet.

Martha arrive au centre avec quelques produits supplémentaires. Han Pond se propose de l'aider, mais elle refuse. Il lui dit que si elle a besoin de lui, il est dans son bureau. Au hangar, lorsque Tyler essaie de l'aider à porter sa cagette de légumes, elle tombe en cendres. Martha devine qu'il a tué madame Sikes, et demande à Hank d'appeler le shérif. Tyler tente de s'enfuir, et Hank le saisit et se transforme en cendres.

Clark arrive et trouve Tyler qui s'approche de sa mère et utilise sa super-vitesse. Tyler met sa main sur le visage de Clark. La peau de Clark devient grise et il grimace de douleur, mais il jette Tyler à travers la pièce, et son visage redevient normal. Tyler disparaît.

À la ferme, Jonathan va voir Clark à la grange et lui dit que Martha va bien. Clark profite pour lui parler de quelque chose à propos de Tyler. Il lui dit que son cœur ne battait plus. La discussion entre le père et le fils est tendu.

Au Talon, Clark avertit Lana à propos de Tyler. Lana le remercie d'avoir parler avec Whitney, et Lex annule son offre de billets de football. Il veut que Clark aille pêcher et passer du temps avec son père. Il ne veut pas se mettre entre lui et Jonathan Kent.

La nuit suivante, Lana voit Whitney au cimetière sur la tombe des Lang. Il admet que pendant tout le temps qu'ils ont passé ensemble, il n'y avait jamais été auparavant. Il n'avait tout simplement pas envie de penser perdre ses parents. Ensuite, il dit à Lana qu'il va se rendre à l'hôpital et profiter du temps qui reste de son père.

Une fois que Whitney est parti, Lana ce recueil sur la tombe de ses parents et Tyler se rapproche d'elle. Il dit qu'il ne veut pas faire du mal et qu'il a entendu ce que Whitney a dit. Il veut juste aider. Il va essayer d'aider le père de Whitney. Apeurée Lana s'en va du cimetière.

Au Talon, Chloé a reçu des informations sur Tyler Randall. Le rapport toxicologique indique qu'il prenait beaucoup de médicaments antidouleur. Il y a aussi des nouvelles sur le fait qu'il n'a pas fait tuer sa mère. Elle a récupéré de sa maladie, et elle a été renvoyée chez elle. Lana arrive et dit à Clark que Tyler va tuer monsieur Fordman. Clark s'en va en super-vitesse.

À l'hôpital, dans la chambre de monsieur Fordman,Whitney arrive et s'approche de son lit. Tyler est là et Whitney lui demande ce qu'il fait là. Tyler lui dit qu'il est là pour abrégé les souffrances de son père. Whitney l'en empêche et Tyler l'assomme. Clark arrive en super-vitesse et jette Tyler hors de la pièce et dit à Tyler que sa mère est encore en vie.

Ils vont à sa maison, où elle dort paisiblement. Tyler se rend compte qu'il n'est pas revenu pour essayer d'arrêter la douleur d'autrui, mais que c'était pour se soulager lui-même. Il colle ses paumes ensemble et se transforme en cendres.

Cette même nuit au Manoir des Luthor, Lex et Dominic discutent. Lex lui offre un verre et attend que Dominic boive pour lui demander si son cocktail est bon.

Le lendemain, il rencontre son père à Métropolis. Lex dit à son père de ne pas lui envoyer des hommes pour les affaires et de ne pas déranger les Kent. Ensuite, il se lâche en lui disant que ça le fou qu'il réussisse sans lui. Son père semble réellement fier de son fils.

Le soir suivant, à la demande de Clark, Lex s'arrange pour que les Sharks de Métropolis viennent à Smallville pour que monsieur Fordman puisse voir son fils jouer avec eux. Jonathan, qui est venu assister au match, discute avec Lex et lui demande pourquoi il a fait une enquête sur sa famille. Lex lui répond que c'était pour lui une façon d'en savoir plus sur l'accident.

Ensuite, Clark monte voir Jonathan et s'excuse. Jonathan lui dit que lui, à son âge, il ne parlait jamais avec son père et que, maintenant il regrette. Il souhaite que ça ne se reproduise pas avec lui. Après, ils partent tous les deux et Clark lui dit qu'il a trouvé une nouvelle façon pour trouver les poissons dans l'eau. Celle d'utiliser son Rayon X.


Ecrit par adri280891

Act 1 Teaser

We see a woman sleeping in a hospital bed. Night. She is connected to a beeping heart monitor and she has an oxygen tube beneath her nose. A young man comes in and sits next to her bed. He has on a bracelet with a green jewel on it. The woman wakes up.

Tyler's Mom : Tyler. I missed you.

Tyler : I missed you too, Mom. Did you get my postcards?

Tyler's Mom : I didn't think you'd come.

She starts to cough.

Tyler : I'm getting the doctor.

Tyler's Mom : Wait, Tyler. I asked you to come home for a reason. I need you to help me. I want you to help me die, Tyler.

Tyler : Don't talk like that. You're gonna get well.

Tyler's Mom : I want to be buried back home in Smallville.

Tyler : You have to be strong, Mom!

Tyler's Mom : I can't fight this anymore. If you love me, you'll do this for me.

He walks to the door and slowly pulls it shut. He walks back to the bed and she nods at him. He takes the tube away from her nose and kisses her forehead.

Tyler : I love you, Mom.

Tyler's Mom : And I love you, Tyler.

He takes the pillow out from beneath her head and puts it over her face. The heart monitor speeds up and then flatlines. A nurse enters.

Nurse : Oh, my God! Security! Get me security now! Get away from her!

Tyler : She was in pain!

A guard enters.

Guard : What's going on?

Nurse : I think he's killed her!

The guard grabs Tyler by the shirt.

Tyler : Let go! Let go! Let go!!!

Tyler thrashes against the guard and finally gets out of his grip, falling back against a window. It breaks and he falls out of the hospital.

Cut to a morgue where a coroner is examining Tyler's body.

Coroner : Tyler Randall, male Caucasian. Body has multiple fracture injuries consistent with a high fall of more than 20 feet. Subject's neck is broken just below the axis. What do we got here? Let's see. [He lifts the sheet near Tyler's wrist] Oh man, that's gotta hurt. [We hear bones crack as he pushes Tyler's wrist back into place. He removes the bracelet and the green jewel remains embedded in Tyler's wrist] Subject has unknown rock fragment wedged between the brachial radialis and the flexors of the right forearm. [He starts pulling it out with a pair of tweezers] Come on, come on. [He gets it out] Possibly the result of impact. Okay, Tyler. Let's take a look under the hood.

The coroner pulls the sheet down uncovering Tyler's chest and starts up an electric saw. As he's gets closer, Tyler's eyes open and he grabs the coroner's arm, who then drops the saw. The coroner starts turning into gray ash, starting with his arm and coursing through the rest of his body, eventually collapsing into dust. Tyler sits up and gets off the bed.

[Opening credits]

Act 1 Scene 1

Clark and Martha drive up to a building called Mobile Meals in the truck. Day. They get out of the truck.

Clark : Well, here we are.

Martha : Clark, I'm only asking for two hours. I'm sorry to cut into your busy social schedule.

: It's not that. I don't mind helping out for a good cause. It's just all these people are--

Martha : Old and sick?

Clark : It's just hard to deal with. There's nothing we can really do to help them.

Martha : You're right. You can't save them from old age and illness, but that's not the point. You're saving them from loneliness. Don't forget the irises. [They start for the building.] You excited about the big fishing trip with your dad next weekend?

Clark : Mmm...

Martha : You didn't forget, did you?

Clark : How could I? We've been going every year since I was seven. Ten hours in a rowboat, swatting mosquitoes, looking for ripples in the water.

: I thought you enjoyed fishing.

Clark : I did when I was younger.

: Well, if you don't want to go you need to tell him.

Clark : I don't want to hurt his feelings.

: He may not like it, but he needs to know.

A man comes out of the building.

: Ah, Martha, Clark, I'd like you to meet Tyler Randall, new volunteer.

Tyler comes out.

: Hi.

Hank : I want you to show him the ropes.

He shakes Martha's hand and we see that he's wearing gloves.

: Hank tells me you grow the best organic produce this side of Metropolis.

Clark : You just made a friend for life.

: What brings you to Smallville?

Tyler : I came back to make funeral preparations. I recently lost my mother.

: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

Tyler : What do you say we get to those deliveries.

Martha : We can start with Mrs. Sykes. She'll be happy to see us.

Clark : Her dog Pepper on the other hand...

Martha : Oh, Pepper's not so bad

Cut to Tyler, Martha, and Clark entering Mrs. Sykes' house. Pepper runs to the door barking.

Martha : Hi, Pepper, hi. How are you today? Pepper, this is Tyler.

Tyler reaches down to pet the dog and she growls.

: Don't worry, she's probably just hungry. I'll get her something to eat. Come on, Pepper.

: [To Tyler] A lot of our clients are elderly and housebound like Mrs. Sykes. [They enter the bedroom where Mrs. Sykes is lying in the bed] Good morning, Mrs. Sykes. How are you feeling today?

Mrs. Sykes
: Terrible. Is that Clark? He looks different.

: No, this is Tyler, our new driver.

She starts to open her bag.

Tyler : Let me. How about some lunch, Mrs. Sykes? [She inhales sharply, clutching her chest] What's wrong?

Mrs. Sykes : It hurts. My pills, get me my, get my...

Tyler hands her the pills and Clark enters.

Clark : Isn't there anything we can do for her?

: I wish there were.

: [Offering a flower] One of Mrs. Kent's beautiful irises, for a beautiful lady.

Mrs. Sykes : Don't ever get old and sick, son. The world got no use for you.

Tyler : I'll tell you what. I'll bring you another iris tomorrow.

Mrs. Sykes : I like roses. White ones.

: Then white ones it is.

Mrs. Sykes : I like this one, Martha.

Act 1 Scene 2

Lex enters his pool room. Day. Lionel's assistant Dominic is already there.

Dominic : Your father's very disappointed with you, Lex.

Lex : My father's disappointment is perennial. Only the circumstances change. What do you want, Dominic?

Dominic : An internal audit of your division has turned up accounting irregularities, and I've been authorized to come down and go through it in a thorough manner.

Lex : So this is payback for turning down my father's offer to join him in Metropolis.

: Lionel has been very tolerant of your excesses. But this time, you didn't spend the money on parties and sports cars and he wants to know where it went.

Lex : Do you know what my father gave me for my tenth birthday? A copy of "The Will to Power." "Behold the super man. Man is something to be overcome." Sun Tzu, Machiavelli, Nietzsche. They were the voices that nurtured me after my mother died. My father made ever question a quiz, every choice a test. Second best was for losers, compassion for losers, trust no one. Those were the lessons I grew up.

Dominic : I'll remember that if I'm every interviewed by the biography channel.

Lex : All I'm saying, Dominic, is try and remember who I was raised by. I try to deny it, but I'm still my father's son. Tread carefully.

Act 1 Scene 3

Lana refills a woman's coffee in the Talon. Day.

Lana : There you go.

Woman : Thanks.

Lana walks away and we see Clark sitting at a table flipping through a fishing magazine. Lex enters.

Lex : Looks like a real page-turner.

Clark : My father and I have our annual fishing trip.

Lex : Of course you do. My father and I went on a fishing trip once.

: Really? He doesn't seem like the fishing type.

Lex : He's not. We were the bait. We flew to South Australia, went down in the cage, got up close and personal with a couple of great whites.

Clark : Sounds like a Kodak moment.

Lex : When you're rich and untouchable like he is, you do things to make yourself feel alive.

Clark : Why'd you go?

Lex : Because he didn't think I would. We never went on another father-son trip after that.

Clark : I wish my father would do something other than fishing.

Lex : What about a football game? I've got two extra tickets for the skybox at the Metropolis Sharks game next Sunday. They're yours.

Clark : That'd be great. My father's been following the team all season. I wouldn't even have to twist his arm.

Lex : Problem solved.

He gets up and walks away. Clark sees Lana hang up the phone and start crying. He goes to her.

Clark : Lana, what is it?

Lana : That was-- that was Whitney's mom. His dad just had another heart attack.

Act 1 Scene 4

Jonathan is working with a blowtorch in the loft. Day. Dominic enters and taps him on the shoulder.

Jonathan : Don't you know it is not a good idea to sneak up on somebody with an acetylene torch?

: I'm sorry. My name's Dominic Senatori, I work for Lionel Luthor. I'm here in Smallville following up on a research project Lex Luthor recently instigated.

Jonathan : Look, Dominic, if you don't mind, I got a lot of work to do around here, okay?

Dominic : There was an incident involving your son and Lex's Porsche and a bridge. Lex has spent a considerable amount of time and capital researching the crash, and I was wondering if you knew why.

Jonathan : Look, the truth is Lex Luthor was driving like a maniac. His car went off the bridge into the water. My son jumped in, risked his life to save him. That's the end of the story.

: And you wouldn't know why he commissioned an in-depth profile into you and your family?

Jonathan : I have no idea.

Dominic : Fair enough, Mr. Kent. Thank you for your time.

: Uh, just out of curiosity, what were Lex's findings on the crash?

Dominic leaves without answering.

Act 1 Scene 5

Clark and Lana enter Whitney's father's hospital room. Day.

Father : Whitney, is that you?

Lana : It's Clark Kent, Mr. Fordman.

Father : Oh, Lana. Well, where's Whitney? I haven't seen my son yet?

Lana : Don't worry. He'll be here soon.

Clark : [Quietly] Where is Whitney?

Lana : I don't know. His mom said he'd be here.

Act 1 Scene 6

Jonathan is adjusting a fishing reel in the dining room. Night. An open tackle box is on the table in front of him. Clark enters.

Jonathan : Clark, how's Whitney's dad?

Clark : He's hanging in there.

: That's good. [He holds up a rod] You remember this?

Clark : It's my first fishing rod.

Jonathan : You used to practice casting it out in the paddock all day.

Clark : I remember.

: In fact, I remember that I used to have to pry it out of your hands just to get you to go to bed at night.

: Dad, what would you say if we could be sitting in a deluxe box next Sunday watching the Metropolis Sharks?

Jonathan : I'd say the Milk River's changed quite a bit.

Clark : Think about it. No worms, no cold mornings, no eating canned peaches.

Jonathan : Wait a minute. Did Lex Luthor arrange all this for us? [Clark doesn't answer] Clark, this morning, I had a surprise visit from one of Lionel Luthor's people. Did you know that your buddy Lex Luthor was having us investigated after the bridge accident?

Clark : Yeah, but Lex said it was all in our past. He promised.

Jonathan : You knew and you didn't tell me?

Clark : Because I knew you'd react like this.

Jonathan : I thought we had an understanding. How am I supposed to protect you if you won't give me all the facts?

Clark : I don't always need your protection.

Jonathan : When it comes to your secret, you bet you do. Maybe when you get a little older you'll understand my apprehension about the Luthor family.

Clark : Stop treating me like a kid! I'm not seven years old anymore! I'm not casting lines in the paddock. I don't even like fishing! The only reason I do it is because it makes you happy! [He pauses] Dad, that-- that didn't come out right.

Jonathan : No, son, I think it did.

He exits.

Act 1 Scene 7

Mrs. Sykes is asleep in her bed. Night. We hear a door open and Pepper starts to bark.

Mrs. Sykes : Pepper? [A hand reaches for Pepper and Mrs. Sykes hears her whimper and the become silent] Pepper!

Tyler enters her room.

: I brought you a white rose. [She starts to cough and he give her a glass of water] You've lived so long with pain. Sometimes, don't you whish it would just end?

Mrs. Sykes
: Oh, yes. I can't go on. Not like this.

Tyler : [He takes off one of his gloves] It'll all be over soon. I promise.

Tyler touches her hand and she turns to ash and crumbles.

Fade to black.

Act 2 Scene 1

Clark comes down the stairs and joins Martha in the kitchen. Day.

Clark : Where's Dad?

: He wanted to get an early start, said he had a lot of work to do today.

Clark : He's avoiding me, isn't he?

Martha : I'm not gonna play referee. You two need to work this out.

: We will. First, we'll have a week of uncomfortable silence, and then we'll start talking about something trivial, and then we'll move on.

Martha : Avoiding it and hoping the problem goes away isn't dealing with it.

Clark : What can I do? You know how stubborn he can be.

: I know how stubborn you both can be. I don't want to see you two drift apart like he did with his father.

Clark : I thought they were close.

Martha : They were, but they kept things from each other. When your grandfather passed away, there was a lot your dad didn't get to tell him, a lot he regrets. I just don't want to see history repeat itself.

Act 2 Scene 2

Clark meets Pete and Chloe outside the school. Day.

Clark : Chloe! I just got your note. I can't believe it. I just saw Mrs. Sykes yesterday.

Chloe : I know. I'm sorry, Clark.

Clark : What happened?

Chloe : Well, the official story is that there was some sort of a fire, but all they found were her ashes.

Clark : And the unofficial?

Chloe : Spontaneous combustion.

Pete : She thinks the old lady just burst into flames.

Chloe : [Reading from a paper] "October, 1978. Joyce Maslow was dancing in a disco in Elizabeth, New Jersey when flames burst from her head and back enveloping her. In seconds, she was a human torch, consumed before the eyes of her horrified boyfriend."

Clark : You don't have to look so happy about it.

Chloe : I'm not happy, I'm intrigued.

Pete : Which means you're still gonna look into it.

: Am I that transparent?

Clark & Pete : Yes.

Act 2 Scene 3

Jonathan is dropping bales of hay from the upper level of the loft. Day. Lex enters.

Lex : Mr. Kent?

Jonathan : Clark isn't here.

Lex : Actually, I came to see you. I was wondering if you were planning on coming to the game next Sunday.

Jonathan : I'm going fishing, Lex. I don't know what my son is doing.

Lex : The tickets were meant as a gift.

Jonathan : Yeah, I'm sure your intentions were entirely noble.

Lex : That's not fair. I don't think you understand how I regard Clark and your family.

: Yes, I do. I understand perfectly well. We're just the pawns in your eternal chess game with your dad.

Lex : Do you have a family photo?

Jonathan : Yeah, I got lots of family photos, Lex.

Lex : The only picture of my father and me appears in the LuthorCorp annual report.

Jonathan : Is this the part where I'm supposed to feel sorry for you?

Lex : No. I just want you to understand if I'm guilty of anything regarding your family, it's envy.

Jonathan : Well, if you're so envious of my family, then why do you feel the need to investigate it behind my back?

Lex : I wanted to know what happened out on that bridge the day of the accident. I had a theory and it turned out to be false. I was totally upfront with Clark about it. That's what this is about. Clark wasn't upfront with you.

Jonathan : He's a good kid, Lex. I don't want that to change.

Lex : Neither do I. You know, from the day I first met Clark, all you've ever seen is the name Luthor.

Jonathan : Well, so far, you haven't given me a reason to see anything else.

Act 2 Scene 4

Whitney is shooting hoops outside the school. Day. Clark approaches.

Clark : You see that Kansas State game last week?

Whitney : What are you doing here, Clark? Did Lana send you?

Clark : I told her you'd see it coming a mile away.

Whitney : Hey, I'm not angry. So, he's come to find out why the heartless son hasn't gone by the hospital to visit his dying father.

Clark : Something like that.

Whitney : I remember how my dad used to say how he was gonna be there the day I threw my first pass for the Sharks. He said it so often, I actually believed it would happen.

: It still could.

Whitney : My father is the strongest man I ever knew. He lettered in three sports at State. When I see him there in the hospital so weak, it kills me because that's not my father. Whatever you do for a long time to come, your father is gonna be there to support you. I'll only have a memory of my dad, and I don't want that memory to be of that sick man laying there in the hospital.

Clark : No, I get it. It's just, I'd take the man over the memory any day of the week.

Clark walks away and Chloe sees him.

: Clark, I've been looking all over for you. Look what I found in the Daily Planet.

Hands him a paper.

Clark : "Body Disappears From Metropolis Morgue"?

Chloe : Yeah, but look at the photo. The coroner's body was disintegrated into ash.

Clark : Just like Mrs. Sykes.

Chloe : I don't know, but it sure would be nice to check out that house for ourselves.

Clark nods.

Cut to Clark and Chloe in Mrs. Sykes' bedroom. Chloe takes pictures of the bed which has some remaining ash on it.

Clark : You know, this is a crime scene.

Chloe : So? Well, there's no other sign of fire damage anywhere, so you might want to dial back on that spontaneous combustion skepticism.

Clark : No barking.

: I wasn't planning on it.

Clark : Pepper.

Chloe : Who's Pepper?

Clark : Mrs. Sykes' dog. She turned into a barking machine anytime someone came over. Pepper? Come here, girl!

: Well, animal shelter probably came and got her.

Clark looks around. He looks through a drape with x-ray vision and sees a pile of ash under it. He goes to look.

Clark : Oh, no.

Chloe : Oh, don't tell me that's Pepper. Yuck.

Clark picks up a dog tag with Pepper's name on it and Chloe takes a picture. Clark notices the white rose next to the bed.

Clark : What happened may have been combustion, but I have a feeling it wasn't spontaneous.

Act 2 Scene 5

Martha drives up to Mobile Meals. Day. Hank comes out as she starts unloading the truck.

Hank : Well, afternoon, Martha.

Martha : Hi.

Hank : I didn't know that you were volunteering today.

Martha : Oh, just dropping off some extra produce. Didn't want it to go to waste.

Hank : Well, here, let me give you a hand with that.

Martha : Oh, that's okay. I got it. Just close that for me.

Hank : [Closes the trunk] All right. I'll be in the office if you need me.

Martha : Okay. [Martha enters the warehouse with the crate of produce. She turns a corner and Tyler pops up in front of her, startling her] Oh, Tyler! What are you doing here?

Tyler : Here, let me help you with this.

Tyler touches the crate and all the produce turns to ash.

Martha : Mrs. Sykes... that was you.

Hank : [From outside] Martha? You okay?

Martha : Hank, call the sheriff.

: What's going on here? [Tyler starts to run away] Hold it right there!

Martha : Hank, don't!

Hank grabs Tyler's arms when he gets to the door, and turns into ash. Martha backs away.

Cut to Clark running up outside. He looks through the building with x-ray vision and sees Martha backing away from Tyler.

Clark : Mom! [He super speeds inside] Get away from her!

: Clark, don't touch him! [Tyler touches Clark's face, making it a grayish color. Clark throws him at a stack of boxes and his face returns to normal] Clark, are you okay?

Clark touches his face, confused.

Fade to black.

Act 3 Scene 1

Clark is in the loft doing his homework. Day. Jonathan enters.

Jonathan : Son, your mom is, uh, she's resting. She's pretty shaken up, but I think she's gonna be fine. The police are looking everywhere for Tyler.

Clark : I don't think they're gonna stop him.

Jonathan : Why?

Clark : Because I saw his heart. It wasn't beating.

: Clark, that' doesn't make any sense. How can... how can he walk around if he's dead?

: How can he turn people to ash? When he touched my face, I felt like the life was being drained out of me.

: [Reaching for Clark's face] Clark, are you sure that you're--

: [Backs away] Yeah. [They share an uncomfortable silence and Jonathan gets up to leave] Dad?

: Yeah?

Clark : Nothing.

Jonathan leaves.

Act 3 Scene 2

Clark enters the Talon and goes to the bar where Lana is working. Day.

Lana : Clark. I hard what happened at Mobile Meals. Is your mom all right?

Clark : Yeah.

: I can't believe Tyler would hurt anybody. He seemed so nice.

: If you run into him, whatever you do, don't let him touch you. Long story, just trust me.

Lana : Whitney phoned. He wanted to get together later and talk.

Clark : That's great.

Lana : I don't know what you said, but thank you. Gotta go.

Lana leaves as Lex enters.

: Clark, I'm glad I ran into you. I need to talk to you about the Sharks game. Is your dad coming?

Clark : I'm not sure.

Lex : Funny, when I asked him, he was pretty adamant he wasn't gong. I'm rescinding the offer. Go fishing with your dad.

: Lex, you don't have to do that.

: I know. But your dad just wants to spend some time with you. It's not something I want to come between. In his own way, he's just trying to give you something my father never gave me.

Clark : What's that?

: Limitations. All my father ever told me was "Don't get caught. Don't cause a scandal." That's not love, that's public relations. You have no idea how lucky you are. When my father dies, kings will come to his funeral, but when yours does, his friends will come. [Lex exits]

Act 3 Scene 3

Lana enters the cemetery. Night. Whitney is standing next to the Langs' graves.

: Nell told me she saw you come out here.

: Yeah. I just realized that in all the time we've known each other, I've never been here before.

Lana : It's okay, Whitney.

Whitney : No, it's not. It's just the thought of losing my parents was so awful. I didn't want to think about it.

: That's why you need to talk to your father. Go see him, Whitney. Make the best of the time you have left. [They hug.]

Whitney : Thanks, Lana. I'm, uh, I'm gonna go to the hospital. Do you want me to walk you home?

Lana : I think I'm gonna stay. I haven't been out here in a while.

Whitney : Okay.

He kisses her on the forehead and leaves. Lana kneels next to her parents' graves for a moment, then gets up to leave. She hears rustling.

Lana : Whitney?

She gasps as she nearly runs into Tyler.

Tyler : It's all right. I won't hurt you. I don't want to hurt anyone, Lana. I only want to bring them peace. I heard your friend talking. His father must be in terrible pain. I can help your friend.

She hears a branch snap and turns around, and when she turns back, he's gone. She runs out of the cemetery.

Act 3 Scene 4

Lex pours two glass of whiskey in his study. Night. Dominic is at the computer.

Dominic : Then, there's a discrepancy between the purchasing and shipping records.

Lex : Stop. I know my father authorized this investigation, but enough bean-counting for one day. [Handing Dominic a glass] 30-year-old, single-malt. Also bought with my father's money. Make sure you jot that down. [Dominic takes a sip] Let's be frank, Dominic. My father sent you here to spy on me because he's afraid of how well I'm doing. This was my last chance to prove myself and he just assumed I'd fail. Now he has to revise his definition of me. I'm not just his screw-up son anymore. Now I'm competition. And my father only knows one way of dealing with competition.

Dominic : There are some things better left between patient and therapist, Lex.

Lex : You know, in ancient Persia, the kings would kill a messenger who brought them news they didn't like. In modern times, a sword in the chest might seem a little extreme. Something more subtle would be in order. Enjoying your drink?

Act 3 Scene 5

Pete, Chloe, and Clark at the Torch. Night. They look at pictures of Tyler from the autopsy on the computer. The picture of his hand bent backwards comes up.

Pete : Oh, that's disgusting!

Chloe : I guess I should have mentioned the "may not be suitable for all ages" disclaimer. Your friend Tyler's been busy.

Clark : What do you mean busy?

Chloe : I mean he tried to kill his mother, rose from the dead, and escaped from the morgue busy. My buddy Chad works weekends for the M.E. He zip-filed the toxicology report. Besides the fatal amount of pain killers, they also found fragments of an unknown green stone embedded in his skin.

Pete : Meteor rocks.

Chloe : Yep.

Clark : If that's the case, why aren't all the dead bodies in Smallville rising from their graves?

: I think it's the lethal combo of pain killers and meteor rocks that caused Tyler to pull a "Thriller."

Clark : Wait a minute. Didn't you say Tyler tried to kill his mother?

Chloe : Tried and failed. His mother recovered enough to be sent home.

Lana enters.

Lana : Clark, I just left Tyler in the graveyard.

Clark : Are you okay?

Lana : He heard Whitney talking about his father. He said that he could bring him peace.

Clark : Did you call the police?

Lana nods and Clark leaves.

Lana : Where are you going?

She looks at Chloe and Pete.

Chloe : Don't look at me. He does that all the time.

Act 3 Scene 6

Whitney enters his father's hospital room. Night. He doesn't see Tyler already in the room behind him.

Whitney : Dad...

Tyler : He can't hear you.

Whitney : Who are you?

Tyler : I've come to help your father... and you. [He walks toward the bed and Whitney grabs his shirt.]

Whitney : Hey!

Tyler throws Whitney back where he hits his had on the sink, knocking him unconscious.

Tyler : [To Whitney's father] I can end your pain. I know what you're feeling, how much it hurts. But I can make it all go away.

Tyler takes off his gloves.

Fade to black.

Act 4 Scene 1

Clark super speeds into the hospital and goes into Whitney's father's room. Night. Tyler is still next to the bed, about to touch Whitney's father.

Clark : Tyler, don't!

Clark super speeds to Tyler and throws him at the wall.

Tyler : I heard you friend, Clark. Seeing his father like this is tearing him apart. I can give them both peace.

Clark : It's not your decision, Tyler.

Tyler : You're wrong. I have to help him.

Tyler walks toward the bed and Clark throws him out the door.

Clark : You're not taking away their pain. You're stealing Whitney's last chance to be with his father.

: You can't stop me, Clark. No one can. Don't you see? It's better this way. I know, I could see it in my mother's eyes.

Clark : Your mother's alive. She recovered after that night in Metropolis. They brought her home to Smallville.

Tyler : I thought--

Clark : She's alive, Tyler. Let me take you to her.

Cut to Tyler and Clark entering Tyler's mother's bedroom where she is sleeping.

Tyler : It's a miracle.

: It's life. As long as we have that, there's still hope.

Tyler : She seems so peaceful. I thought that I was brought back to relieve the suffering of others, but it was my pain all along. What have I done?

Clark : Tyler...

Tyler : I just want it all to be over.

Tyler touches his hands together and turns into ash.

Clark : Tyler!

Clark goes to Tyler, but it's too late.

Act 4 Scene 2

Lex stands by his car in an alley in Metropolis. Day. Lionel dries up and gets out of his car.

Lionel : Interesting choice of location for a meeting, Lex. Why didn't you just come up to the penthouse?

Lex : I was making a garbage delivery. I didn't want to tarnish the marble.

Lionel : I'm not in the mood to joust, Lex.

Lex : I was hoping you might explain Dominic's visit.

Lionel : My auditors discovered a number of unaccounted expenditures coming out of the Smallville plant. I thought it prudent to investigate.

Lex : Come on, Dad. I squandered more than a weekend in Hong Kong. You didn't sic your adding machines on me then.

Lionel : We're talking corporate finances, Lex, not your pocket money.

Lex : It bothers you, doesn't it? That I'm not dependent on your anymore, that I've made friends in Smallville, people I can trust.

Lionel : Don't be ridiculous, Lex. I'm happy you're doing well.

Lex : No, you're not. You're afraid I won't need you anymore.

Lionel : You'll always be my son... and you will always need me, Lex.

Lionel turns to go.

Lex : Aren't you going to ask about Dominic? He hasn't checked in for hours, has he? Unusual for a man of his tediously predictable nature. [He tosses his key ring to Lionel] Go ahead. Pop the trunk.

Lionel : Lex. What has he done? What has he done?

The trunk opens and Dominic is in it with tape over his mouth. Lex rips the tape off.

Dominic : Ah!

Lex : You want to ask an accounting question, Dad? Call me. And the next time one of your drones bother the Kents, he'll be lucky to catch a ride home with the spare.

Lex starts to leave.

Lionel : Lex... [Lex turns around] Well done.

Lex walks away.

Act 4 Scene 3

A football stadium. Night. The players come together around the ball.

Announcer : Now playing quarterback for your Metropolis Sharks, Number 12, Whitney Fordman!

Whitney : Down!

Another player
: Set! Hike! Hut! Hut! Hut!

The play starts. Whitney takes the ball and throws it to another Shark, who catches it. We see Whitney's parents watching on the sideline. Whitney's father is in a wheelchair.

Father : Yes!

A whistle blows and Whitney takes off his helmet and goes to his father.

Whitney : You all right, Dad?

Father : Never better.

Lex watches from the empty bleachers and Jonathan joins him.

Jonathan : That's a really nice thing you've done for the Fordmans.

Lex : Thanks, Mr. Kent. That means a lot coming from you. I just want you to know I closed the book on that day at the bridge.

Jonathan : Why'd you investigate it in the first place?

Lex : That day was a miracle. Haven't you ever wanted to find out why things like that happen?

Jonathan : No. I just accept the fact that they do. You don't need an explanation for everything, Lex.

Cut to Clark and Lana watching the game lower on the bleachers.

Lana : How'd he get the Metropolis Sharks to do it?

Clark : When your father owns the team, I think it's easier to pull some strings.

Lana : It's strange. All this time, I thought Lex never even liked Whitney, and then he goes and arranges all this.

Clark : I think Lex feels he's become part of our lives.

Lana : I'd like to believe that. You asked him, didn't you?

Clark : Being friends with Lex Luthor can be complicated, but it has advantages. [Lana kisses his cheek] What was that for?

Lana : Just being you.

Lana walks away and Clark goes up to join Jonathan.

Clark : Dad, I'm sorry. What I said, it--

Jonathan : Clark. The fishing trips, they never had anything to do with fishing. It was just that I wanted to spend some time with my son. My dad and I, we saw each other every day, but we never really talked. I just don't want history to repeat itself.

Clark : That makes two of us. [They hug] Hey, Dad, I know how we can catch more fish this year.

Jonathan : What, new lures?

: X-ray vision. [Jonathan laughs.]


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